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孔雀王子和八哥公主为难了,谁先挑呢?Peacock prince and myna princess has felt embarrassed, who selects first?

黑鸢离去后,分别来了三只白颈鸦、喜鹊与八哥。When Kites gone, three Collared Crows, Magpie and Crested Myna occupied the tree.

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八哥会学人说话,这是人人皆知的,但他怎样学人话?It is public knowledge that myna can imitate human words. But how a myna "speaks"?

微风轻拂,浆果丛沙沙作响,几只八哥站在树顶上,对着树下的野猪鸣叫。Breezes rustle the berry bushes. Myna birds call from tree tops to wild pigs below.

印度新德里有只鹩哥看上去像是搭载着它的小伙伴。A myna bird looks as thought it is hitching a lift from its mate in New Delhi, India.

格里特纳上空被八哥群遮盖得一片黑暗,景象十分壮观。Grittner on Space being covered was a group of Crested Myna dark, very spectacular sight.

没有得到宝物和绝技的只剩下八哥公主和孔雀王子了。Has not obtained the treasure and the unique skill is only left over myna princess and peacock prince.

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在印度的布巴内斯瓦儿市,一只羽翼未丰的八哥和它的小窝被暴风雨刮落在马路上。A myna fledgling and its nest, which has been knocked into the road during stormy weather in Bhubaneswar, India.

所以,当格芬夫人想知道他是否会卖掉那只八哥时,他回答道他会把他们全寄回给吉姆。So, when Mrs. Garfein wanted to know if he would sell the myna bird, he 'answered that he'd shipped them all back to Jim.

八哥为什么有如此的组织性,它们的飞行为什么会如此流畅,它们是靠什么来进行组织和联系的?Crested Myna Why are there so organized, why they fly so smooth, they rely on to carry out the organization and the contact?

新百鸟王派八哥公主担任鸟类和人类之间交往的使者。The new hundred phoenixes send myna princess to hold the post of the messenger who between the birds and the humanity associate.

让网站的名称,例如IT八哥成为整个故事的线索,成为故事走向完美结局的核心要素,成为不可磨灭的一部分。Yield the title of the website, for example the thread that IT myna makes whole story, become a story to move toward the core element of ideal outcome, make graven one part.

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人们都很喜爱善解人意的八哥,因为她有一身黑色的羽毛,人们都亲切地叫她“黛翎公主”。The people very much like the myna which is with good intention, because she has a body black feather, the people kindly are called her "black eyebrow coloring plume princess".