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亲爱的你们的嘲笑声该结束了!Dear , your jeers should be end!

他是他们嘲弄的目标。He was the target for their jeers.

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他们对那讲演者猛加嘲弄。They assailed the speaker with jeers.

他毫不畏惧地听着群众的嘲笑。He listened to the jeers of the crowd without flinching.

这位大臣的讲话遭到嘲笑。The Minister's speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls.

这位大臣的讲话遭到嘲笑,嘘声四起。The minister's speech was greeted with jeers and catcalls.

于是,大自然的任何明显的表露都会遭到他的嘲笑。Any visible expression of nature would surely be pelleted with his jeers.

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站在拐角处的五六个人,冲着疾驶而过的电车,发出一阵辱骂和嘲笑声。Some half dozen men, standing on the corner, flung taunts and jeers after the speeding car.

同时,她的想像中就展开了那件旧棉袄惹人讪笑的情形,她忍不住哭起来了。Still, picturing the jeers her old padded jacket would evoke, she couldn't restrain her tears.

伏地魔问,虽然他的声音很小,但它清楚地引发了喝倒彩的嘘声和嘲笑。Asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet, it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers.

宣泄女性的幽暗面,对她们符合人性、符合常理的行为进行无情的嘲讽。The gloominess of women was utterly explored and jeers were made at their reasonable humanly deeds.

此番言论受到了忠诚的民主党人的大肆嘲笑,不过普通的老人选民是否同意这一观点,还有待观察。This got loud jeers from the faithful, but it remains to be seen whether ordinary elderly voters will agree.

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群众喊叫耶稣从十字架下来救自己的嘲笑声,仍回响在她们的耳中。The jeers of the people who had told Jesus to come off the cross and save himself were still ringing in their ears.

汤米和其它人光着身子、颤抖着排着队向前走,身上洒着消毒粉,两边是老犯人的辱骂与讥笑。Tommy and the others are marched in naked and shivering , covered with delousing powder, greeted by TAUNTS and JEERS.

在决胜盘,本已落后的费德勒在出现失误后,竟将球拍狠狠砸向地面,球拍顿时扭曲变形,观众席上也传来巨大的嘘声。In the final set, Federer fell behind and slammed his racket into the concrete, mangling it and drawing jeers from the crowd.

但为什么会有人想让自己置身那样的困境?为什么会有人想要每次触球时被嘘,想要听刻毒的嘲弄,想要看下流的标语?But why would anyone want to put himself through all that? The jeers on every touch, the vicious taunts , the obscene signage?

他们发出嘘声如此高声以致于日本的国歌被压过,但是嘲笑的最大的倾倒带着这把最后的哨子来。They booed so loudly that Japan's national anthem was drowned out, but the biggest outpouring of jeers came with the final whistle.

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“外面的人群还是喊”我们爱你,我们爱你,“形成鲜明对比的是,2003年,人们追着嘲笑小布什。" Undeterred the crowds outside called "we love you, we love you," in sharp contrast to the jeers which hounded George W Bush in 2003.

安迪和其它新犯列队前行,由于锁链牵制只能挪动着脚步,畏缩地走在一片辱骂和讥笑中。Andy and the others are paraded along, forced by their chains to take tiny baby steps, flinching under the barrage of jeers and shouts.

明明又当众奚落多丽,正杰大感不满。另一方面,聪敏深感内疚,忙向马沙的母亲忏悔,直认当日趁火打劫事。Mingming jeers at Duoli in public which annoys Zhengjie. On the other hand, Congmin repents in front of Ma Sha's mother as he feels guilty.