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高射炮火像雹子般轰击飞机。Flak hails on the plane.

看不到高射炮火后。Can't see through the flak.

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还有,喂海苔或高蔬果含量之片状饵料。Also, feed nori or high vegetation flak food.

你受到的猛烈批评让你不能不害怕点什么东西。Flak of you giving up on being scared something.

我醒来,看见这黑屋,这梦靥似的战斗机。I woke to black flak and the nightmare fighters.

男朋友大多是白人的亚裔女性有没有受到过苛责呢?Do Asian women who date mostly white guys take flak for it??

我们也会在我们的头盔和防弹衣上涂鸦。We also put horrible graffiti on our helmets and flak jackets.

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到处都是密集的高射炮火!他这下子可受骗上当,进了圈套了。Heavy flak was everywhere! He had been lulled, lured and trapped.

这就像战地记者没有火箭炮背心和卫星电话一样可笑。It’s like doing war reporting without a flak jacket or satellite phone.

身穿防弹衣的警察正在遭受暴力攻击的地段巡逻。Police in flak jackets are patrolling the districts hit by the violence.

其中大部分都是从围绕在普洛耶什蒂的德军第5高炮师手中缴获的。Most of it was captured from the German 5th Flak Division around Ploesti.

国防科技库防弹塔楼升级现在允许射击2目标为每家银行。TEC Hangar Defense flak turrets upgrade now allows firing at 2 targets per bank.

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我们需要重新取得平衡,使得一种货币不会成为其他货币的替罪羊。We need a rebalancing so that one currency doesn't take the flak for the others.

从以前的观点来看,当提到配偶之间背叛的事男性都会大大的吹嘘一番。Historically, the male sex gets most of the flak when it comes to infidelity among spouses.

北京则因为推掉了众多具有历史意义的古雅的胡同,而倍受责难。Beijing took flak for bulldozing many of its hutongs, the quaint alleys in the historic center.

配备对空高射炮的重工援助单位,自我修复能力给予玩家更多战术选择。Assault unit from the factory Anti-air flak cannons, self-repair system creates tactical choices.

他的脸上、防弹衣上、摄像头上都有鲜血和小块块的白色的肉。There was blood and bits of white flesh on his face and on his flak jacket and on his camera lens.

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然后我们就可以退居二线,放松放松,让他们处理大小事宜,最好是,也去挨所有的高射炮。Then we can just sit back, relax, and let them sort everything out, and best of all , catch all the flak.

在你需要强大持续开火的防空武器或是当你的高射炮兵需要保护时,它是很不错的选择。They are best used when a decent continuous firing AA is needed, or when a flak trooper needs to be saved.

进入测步者之前,我先戴上头部显示器,并且穿上防弹衣,为前臂与小腿戴上护具。To enter Gaiter, I strapped on a head-mounted display and a flak jacket, as well as forearm and shin guards.