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这正是问题的症结所在。Herein lies the nub of the problem.

问题的要点在于如何将这种理想情况投入实际应用。The nub of the problem is how to bring this ideal into practice.

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我看着那条虫子,好一个粉嫩色的肉瘤在酒精中徜徉,令我联想到安炸弹的人遗世独立的残余物。I watched the worm, a pinkish nub of flesh swirling in the alcohol, and thought of the bomber's remains.

问题的关键在于在封闭的时间型曲线中没有一个连续一致的“时间箭头”。The nub of the problem is that you cannot have a consistent “arrow of time” in the presence of closed timelike curves.

在这个国家人口最稠密的城市及经济核心杜阿拉,绝大多数的圣诞购物者钟爱价格低廉的中国商品。In the country's most-populated city and economic nub Douala, the vast majority of Christmas shoppers prefer low-priced Chinese goods.

同样的,学术论文的重点在于将研究过程中琐碎的资讯舍弃,去芜存菁直到留下唯一的重要论点。Similarly, the point of an academic paper is made by eliminating the detritus of your research until the nub of your argument remains.

无线鼠标最令人讨厌的地方无外乎那个可恨的接收器,这个小玩意占据了我电脑上为数不多的USB口中的一个。The worst thing about the wireless mouse has got to be that damn dongle—this tiny little nub hogs up one of the few USB ports on my PC.

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两款电脑都保留了ThinkPad的一个经典功能--位于键盘中央、用来移动光标的“小红帽”。And both retain a classic ThinkPad feature -- the TrackPoint, a small red nub in the middle of the keyboard that can be used to move the cursor.

结果经直肠前列腺彩超检查能显示增生结节、精囊炎等细微局灶性改变和大小。Results Transrectal color Doppler ultrasonography showed the change and size of minor lesions such as prostate hyperplasia nub and seminal vesiculitis.

结节区域之间的分界点轨迹从理论上说是一个圆,在现实中可以用断裂点模型和图上作业相结合的方法进行区划。The track of boundary points of nub regions is a circularity and nub region can be divided with the model of breakpoints combined with exercising on map.

经阑尾残端置入橡皮管经回盲部到吻合口近端的小肠内,起减压作用。Rubber drainage tube was placed through appendiceal nub and ileocolic part into the proximal end of the intestinal inosculation in order to low the pressure inside.

这个两性间基本的分歧正是两性之战的郁结,亦导致雄性变得滥交,雌性羞怯。This fundamental difference between males and females is the very nub of why sex is a battle, and results in promiscuous males and coy females with a critical gaze.

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就像皇家的“我们“,更像帝王,他们在身旁埋下了很多的人脉,他们很少能够认识到问题的本质。CEO It's like the royal "we." It's more like the imperial CEO and they build up a huge amount of people around them and they very rarely get to the nub of the problem.

在1966年,安迪。杜方从沙堡监狱逃了出去,他们只能找到池塘中的囚衣,一块肥皂,和一个很旧的手锤,几乎被削成了一小块。In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shoeshank Prison. All they found was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap and an old rock hammer, damn near worm down to the nub.

有时候,他的故事讲得很成功,他会非常欢喜雀跃地把故事的笑点又重复一遍,然后扫视每一个听众的脸庞,收集他们的喝彩,然后再重复一遍。And sometimes, if he has had goodsuccess, he is so glad and happy that he will repeat the "nub" of itand glance around from face to face, collecting applause, and then repeat itagain.