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被救的智利矿工都是谁?。Who are the rescued Chilean miners?

他们已经偷走了12只智利产粉红色火烈鸟。They stole 12 Chilean pink flamingoes.

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这是智利诗人聂鲁达对于南美洲葡萄酒的歌颂。A wine song singed by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.

苏维翁的杰出代表。Excellent example of Chilean Cabernet Sauvignon.

智利和以色列的抗议也是美国的运动提前了。The Chilean and Israeli protests also predate the US campaign.

智力的海岸在历史上就常发生超级大地震。The Chilean coast has a long history of very large earthquakes.

而智利科学院也被要求引导IAP的举措。And the Chilean academy was also asked to lead the IAP's effort.

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如果选白葡萄酒,智利或新西兰的长相思最好。For a white, Chilean or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is a winner.

一具在智利沙漠发现的自然风干的新克罗小孩木乃伊。A naturally mummified Chinchorro child found in a Chilean desert.

震中距智利首都圣地亚哥市约590公里。From the Chilean capital of Santiago, the epicenter about 590 km.

地壳俯冲的过程通常会引发极其强烈的地震,例如1960年智利的里氏9.5级地震和2004年苏门答腊岛的里氏9.1级地震。Chilean quake in 1960 and the magnitude-9.1 Sumatran quake in 2004.

这座城市是智利在太平洋海岸最大的一个港口城。This city is one of the largest Chilean ports in the Pacific Ocean.

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一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.

一家智利电视节目甚至为每位矿工提供了一次出镜机会。A Chilean TV bombshell has even offered to give each miner a lapdance.

智利政府说,地震导致大约452人丧生。The Chilean government says about 452 people were killed by the quake.

1920年以后,德国合成硝酸盐给了智利硝石开采当头一棒。German synthetic nitrates knocked out Chilean nitrate mining after 1920.

马贝克称得上是智利无名的宝石。Malbec really is one of the relatively unknown gems of the Chilean climate.

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弗雷说,智利人民对中国人民怀有深厚的感情。Frei said the Chilean people hold profound feelings towards the Chinese people.

有顶饰的长腿兀鹰调查一个山谷在马德雷德迪奥斯岛智利巴塔哥尼亚。A crested caracara surveys a valley on Madre de Dios Island in Chilean Patagonia.

智利山最高峰的最新火山爆发迫使更多人员撤离此地区。Fresh volcanic eruptions from a Chilean mountain top are forcing more evacuations.