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记者想要知道八宝在默西塞德过得是否愉快。Journalists wanted to know if Babel was happy on Merseyside.

在马其赛特郡的感觉是,很多队员都有很好的状态。The feeling on Merseyside is that several players have peaked together.

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在历史上,第一艘从中国发往英格兰默西塞德郡的轮船于1834年靠岸。The first ship to have arrived on Merseyside from China docked in 1834.

贝尼特斯在你做出来默西赛德郡的这个决定中发挥多大的作用?How big a factor was Rafa Benitez in your decision to come to Merseyside?

因为相比于足球,伯根首先是一位来自于默西塞德郡的士兵!It's not about football, it's about Mark being a soldier from Merseyside.

利物浦什么时候曾经如此窝囊的在默西塞德德比中投降过?HAVE Liverpool ever surrendered the Merseyside derby in such a gutless manner?

而默瑟河海事博物馆则可帮助您进一步了解利物浦的历史。Tour the Merseyside Maritime Museum for insights into the history of the port.

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今年早些时候这位24岁的球员就和红军传起了绯闻。The 24-year-old was strongly linked with a move to Merseyside earlier this year.

贝尼特斯表扬了库伊特,这是在他莫西塞德的第四粒进球确保三分到手。Benitez paid tribute to Kuyt after his fourth Merseyside derby goal secured victory.

费尔南多-托雷斯在迎战第212次莫西塞德德比时,面临最后一次伤病测试。Fernando Torres will face a late fitness test ahead of Sunday's 212th Merseyside derby.

“以下是利物浦能赢得联赛第四的原因。”在接受BBC莫西塞德分台采访时巴恩斯说道。"That is why Liverpool have finished in the top four, " Barnes told BBC Radio Merseyside.

唐宁也谈论了自己首个默西塞德德比的感受,他说场面确实很火爆。Downing relished his first taste of the Merseyside derby and says it lived up to the hype.

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接下来周五是他60大寿,但他仍是默西塞德郡看似最年轻的60岁老人。This coming Friday, he turns 60, but he is the youngest looking 60-year-old on Merseyside.

默西塞德郡警方的一位发言人表示,失窃的两辆轿车已经找到,但那只狗却仍然音信全无。A Merseyside Police spokesman said the two cars have been found, but the dog is still missing.

红军现在将回到默西塞德郡,然后出发前往挪威的奥斯陆和利恩队比赛。The Reds will now head back to Merseyside before travelling to Norway to take on FC Lyn in Oslo.

雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改,虽然早已物是人非,可是前利物浦主帅贝尼特斯依然心系红军。Former Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has opened the door to a return as manager on Merseyside.

萨米-李透露奥雷里奥可能出战周六莫西塞德的德比。Sammy Lee has revealed that Fabio Aurelio could be in contention for Saturday's Merseyside derby.

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利物浦新任17号同样受到前马竞队友托雷斯的欢迎。The Reds' new No. 17 was also welcomed to Merseyside by former Atletico teammate Fernando Torres.

这位前红军铁卫是在2006年从同城对手埃弗顿队投奔而来的。The former Reds defender took up the position in 2006 after moving from Merseyside rivals Everton.

默西赛德郡地面积雪厚度为12厘米至18厘米,英格西南部和威尔士地区积雪厚度为5厘米至10厘米。Merseyside ground snow thickness of 12-18 cm, southwest England and Wales snow thickness of 5-10 cm.