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科学价值中立说是科学研究的重要课题。The neutralism of scientific value is the important issue.

中立主义是缅甸外交政策的基石。Neutralism is the cornerstone of neutralism foreign policy.

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第二部分主要论述了肯尼迪政府的老挝中立化政策。The second part, this chapter discusses Kennedy government's neutralism policy on Laos.

虽然这种中立主义强调的是多样性,但是它只是一个幌子。Despite the fact that this kind of neutralism accents diversity, it does so in name only.

风险中立型假设的存在进一步丰富了对人群特征类型的划分。Existence of neutralism in decision making that enriches division to characteristics of public.

把“中立”当作折中主义而加以批判和彻底抛弃是不妥当的。It's not appropriate to regard neutralism as eclecticism and then criticize or thoroughly abandon it.

人们对于德育主体的认识大体可以归纳为权威主义、中立主义和调和主义三种立场。Knowledge about the subject of moral education is generally classified into three types as authorativism, neutralism and regularism.

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p型埋层的电中性作用增加了漂移区优化的浓度而使比导通电阻降低。The on-resistance is decreased as a result of increasing drift region doping which is due to the neutralism of the p-type buried layer.

革命后伊朗外交的突出特征是极端反美、意识形态色彩较浓、执行积极中立外交路线等,这些特征在霍梅尼时期表现的非常明显。After the revolution, Iran was intensively hostile to the United States, performed the neutralism , and canonized the Islam in the life of country.

他提出的“中立主义”思想,既是一种追求真理的认识论,也是在道德领域、乃至在评判战争与和平问题上的一种方法论。The "neutralism" perceived by him is both a kind of epistemology and a kind of methodology in moral and the judgment of issues between war and peace.

长期以来,人们对于“中立”的观点和行动是持批判和反对态度的,因为中立与折中主义相同。For a long period, the general attitude toward the neutral standpoints and actions was critic and even opposed, because people considered that neutralism is the same with eclecticism.

首先在外交政策上,阿登纳根据对现实状况的认识,坚决反对德国社会民主党提出的“中立化”的要求,决心推行向西方一边倒的政策。Firstly, Adenauer observed ihe fact and environment of Germany and opposed firmly to neutralism that given by the Social Democratic Party, decided to have the policy "towards to west".

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本文探讨了股份制演化的历史、股份制的发展规律及其原因,从多视角研究了股份制的“中性”问题。The paper studies the history, the pattern and the causes of stock system. The issue of the neutralism of stock system has been carefully and perceptively considered in the paper, too.