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这次重组是由近来的一连串错误判断引起的。The restructure was brought on by a series of recent misjudgments.

日月食期间适合于向内观察、疗愈、释放和重建。The eclipses are a time to look inward, to heal, release and restructure.

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它如何重组自己,变成一个高效能力个人的网络?How does it restructure itself into a network of highly empowered individuals?

香港专业教育学院重整课程后,于一九九九至二零零零年度开办新课程。After a major restructure of IVE courses, new courses are offered in 1999-2000.

企业在采用CIMS技术时必须重视调组织结构和提高员工素质。It is necessary to restructure the organization and improve human quality in CIMS.

戏剧元素的重新结构、组合,实现了戏剧艺术发展过程中的新的转型。The elements of performing art recomposed and evolved into its modern restructure.

适当关注外商并购、换股吸收合并以及拥有壳资源、容易进行重组的小盘股。With proper attention to with shell resources and restructure issue's shallow bid.

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Marinescu博士说,他监管一项重组176家国营伊拉克公司的联合国项目。Marinescu, who oversees a UN project to restructure 176 state-owned Iraqi companies.

东营市龙居镇产业结构调整的目标及对策建议。The fifth are industry restructure goal and countermeasure suggestions of Longju town.

第一,加强政府自身的建设与改革,转变政府职能。First, to restructure government bodies and to transform the functions of the government.

东营市龙居镇产业结构调整的环境分析及战略选择。The forth is industry restructure environment analysis and strategic choice of Longju town.

这也是我们重组大陆和海外金融平台所作努力的一部分。This is also part of our efforts to restructure our mainland and overseas financial platform.

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破产法为持产负债人提供很多机制来重组他们的企业。Bankruptcy affords the debtor in possession a number of mechanisms to restructure its business.

这样的结果是,网络印刷将更进一步地从根本上改变印刷传媒工业。The result is that Web-to-print will further radically restructure the print and media industry.

本公司设计的XHJP系列顶轴油系统适用于新建机组配套及在用机组顶轴油系统改造。Our XHJP series jack pump system applies to new unit and restructure of current jack pump system.

亚洲开发银行行长黑田东彦在会议开幕式上指出,亚洲需要调整自身的增长模式。ADB President Haruhiko Kuroda told the opening session Asia needs to restructure its growth model.

分析师不太相信GM以债换股的提议能够成功,认为它可能按照破产法第11章进行重组.Analysts doubted the debt exchange offer would succeed, setting up GM to restructure in Chapter 11.

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尽管经历了一年艰辛不懈的努力,希腊看起来却更可能进行债务重组了。Despite a year of grinding hardship Greece looks ever more likely to have to restructure its debts.

稍后,土星回到顺行正轨会帮助你重建并改善自己的财务状况。Later, Saturn goes direct May 16 and will help you further repair and restructure a financial situation.

奈伦表示,正在努力筹集资金偿还投资者,同时该集团将寻求重组债务。Nailun said it was working to raise funds to repay investors and that it would seek to restructure the debt.