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我们达成协议了吗?Do we have an agreement?

每个人都同意了。Everyone is in agreement.

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谈判和协议。Negotiation and Agreement.

我被这个契约给束缚住了。I am binded by this agreement.

我们没有签订协议。We haven't made any agreement.

他点头表示同意我的意见。He nodded in agreement with me.

西顿夫人大笑着表示同意。Mrs Seton laughed in agreement.

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他们取消了协议。They disannulled the agreement.

内德点头表示同意。Ned nodded his head in agreement.

好的,给贵司的协议价是400块。OK, the agreement price is RMB400.

这就是我们的君子协定。Such is our gentleman's agreement.

该协议包括所有代理。The agreement covers all agencies.

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姑娘们咯咯的笑着表示同意。The girls giggled their agreement.

什么是关键群体协议?What is a critical-mass agreement?

你们迟迟不能达成一致。And you can't come to an agreement.

这是关于我们的约定你还记…Do you remember our agreement? TFZ.

那确实是个协议。There has indeed been an agreement.

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我们订了个君子协定。We reached a gentleman's agreement.

该公司信守协议。The company abides by the agreement.

本协议书一式两份。This agreement is done in duplicate.