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血色沉着病怎样治疗呢?How is hemochromatosis treated?

青铜色的色素沉着见于血色素沉着症和砷中毒。Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication.

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血色病是因组织中铁的沉积过多而发生的全身性疾病。Hemochromatosis is a disorder of iron metabolism of the body of a genetic disease.

我们也找了64位没有血色素沉著症的受试者做为对照组。We also looked at the DNA of 64 control subjects who did not have hemochromatosis.

造成血色素沉著症的基因变异只是创始者突变「罪犯相片陈列室」的一员。The hemochromatosis gene aberration is just one of a rogue's gallery of founder mutations.

堕落,华美如彼岸花血色的怒放,如梦,如幻。充满悲伤的回忆。Downfall of the US such as hemochromatosis Bianhua full bloom Like a Dream, Ruhuan. Full of sad memories.

小结节型肝硬化也可见于Wilson病、原发性胆汁硬化和血色素沉着症。Micronodular cirrhosis may also be seen with Wilson's disease, primary biliary cirrhosis, and hemochromatosis.

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原生的通常是由于遗传基因问题造成的铁在体类的过度积累。Primary hemochromatosis is usually caused by a specific genetic problem that causes too much iron to be absorbed.

血色素沉著病为一因慢性铁质过多并沉积于组织而造成伤害的疾病。Hemochromatosis is a disorder of chronic iron overload associated with tissue injury resulting from iron deposition.

我们的调查显示,遗传性血色素沉著症的病例遍布欧洲,但在北欧比较常见。Surveys showed that hereditary hemochromatosis occurs all across Europe but is somewhat more common in northern Europe.

血色病基因可引起铁的过量蓄积而致病,也会影响到铅的吸收。Hemochromatosis gene, associated with a disease that leads to excessive iron accumulation, may also influence the absorption of lead.

其中有一只的胰岛素水平明显高于其他五只。这一只海豚还患有铁负荷、血色沉着病。One dolphin that had especially high insulin levels compared to others, also had a 10-year history of iron overload, or hemochromatosis.

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这种原生的血沉病在美国是一种非常常见的基因病,每两百到300人你就有一个。Primary hemochromatosis is the most common genetic disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 1 of every 200 to 300 Americans.

甘草可能含有铁,所以患有铁负荷过重疾病,如血色素沉着症和慢性丙型肝炎的患者,应该避免使用。Licorice may contain iron and should therefore be avoided by people with iron overload diseases, such as hemochromatosis and sometimes chronic hepatitis C.

目的观察继发性血色病患者皮肤超微变化和微细构造的元素组成。Objective To observe the ultrastructural changes of skin and compositions of fine structures in the cytoplasm in the patients with secondary hemochromatosis.

铁的过度沉淀可导致心脏增大以及类似心肌病的心力衰竭,这使得血色素沉着症成为限制性心肌病的一种形式。The excessive deposition of iron leads to heart enlargement and failure similar to a cardiomyopathy, making hemochromatosis a form of "restrictive" cardiomyopathy.

次生的活后天血沉病可能由于地中海平血引起,尤其一个人输入了很多血。Secondary or acquired hemochromatosis can be caused by diseases such as thalassemia or sideroblastic anemia, especially if the person has received a large number of blood transfusions.

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由于所有生物的组织蛋白及其基因都鲜少变化,因此我们认为它们不太可能是造成血色素沉著症的元凶,现在只剩下了三个基因有嫌疑。Histones, and the genes for them, are virtually identical throughout living things, so we thought it was unlikely that they were involved in hemochromatosis . That left three genes of interest.