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文中对支护效果进行了评价。The test results of timbering were discussed.

起重机将建筑用材吊到楼上。The crane elevated the timbering upto the upstairs.

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其次,对锚杆整体进行设计,并对支护效果进行了分析。Secondly, it designs the whole bolt, and analyzes timbering effect.

土体的位移和支护桩的位移满足变形协调条件。Soil displacement and timbering pile displacement are in harmony with deformation.

采用何种支护方法取决于井巷穿过的岩层结构。The particular system of timbering depends on the rock formations through which the tunnels pass.

文章对“孤岛面”全煤巷锚杆支护技术应用做了简要介绍。This paper briefly introduces the application of pin timbering of full coal road in "islet faces".

此篇毕业设计集中阐述九江市丽景湾花园的深基坑开挖支护。This graduation design elaborates on the deep pits' timbering of Lijiangwan garden of Jiujiang City.

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其次,作者将“信息反馈”思想引入新窑沟隧道的施工支护方案设计中。Secondly, the "information feedback" thinking was used in construct timbering design of XinYaoGou tunnel.

并在南非约翰内斯堡商业中心开有数家建筑装饰材料、窗帘及床上用品商城。Meanwhile the company set up many bedding, curtain and timbering shopping malls in emporium of Johannesburg.

全局下辖39个直属基层单位,其中直接从事木材生产的林场、经营所13个。The agency has 39 subunits of which 13 forest fields and managing manufactures are engaged in timbering supply.

该文详细介绍了朱庄煤矿综采切眼使用的锚梁网支护技术。The present paper in detail introduced the Zhuzhuang coal mine synthesis picks cuts the eye use the anchor beam net timbering technology.

随着采深的不断增加,刚柔层桁架支护技术有广阔的应用前景。With the increase of the depth of coal mining, the advanced timbering technology of rigid flexible layer has wide application foreground.

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以已成桥柱为基础的斜臂支撑的刚构支护结构,较好地解决了深水支护的困难。An oblique arm supporting rigid frame timbering based on the built bridge columns better to solve the difficult deep water timbering problem.

修复时采取了注浆加固地层、加强支护,变硬抗支护为抗让结合的复合支护,收到了很好的效果。Then Adopt injection reinforce strata, reinforced timbering , stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support, roger good effect.

针对试验区的工程地质条件,提出合理的采场与巷道的支护型式、支护参数。Rational model of timbering of lane and stope and timbering parameters have been proposed based on the engineering geology conditions of test area.

中国已经成为世界第二大木材进口国,木材贸易是保障我国木材市场平稳运行的重要组成部分。China has been the second wood-import country in the world. Timbering trade is an important part to guarantee stable operation of China's wood market.

神华集团神东矿区哈拉沟煤矿在长壁工作面回风巷中采用了一种新型自移式超前支护支架组。A new type self-walking advance timbering support set is adopted in longwall coal mining face of Halagou Coal Mine, Shendong Coal District by Shenhua Group Co.

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同时对围岩稳定性和支护参数进行了合理性评价,为设计和施工单位提供了有益的参考意见。At the same time, the reasonable estimate about the stability of wall rock and timbering parameter supplies designers and builders with the beneficial reference.

喷锚支护和二次衬砌是现代隧道修建中支护结构的重要组成部分,是新奥法的重要要素。Shotcrete-rock bolt support and concrete lining are important parts of timbering structures in modern tunnel construction, and There are also essentials for NATM.

介绍信阳狮河大桥采用节段预制,龙门桁车提运,拱架上拼装等施工方法和施工工艺。Method and technique of segmental prefabrication, transfer gantry hoisting, splicing on arch timbering in construction of Xinyang Shihe River Bridge are introduced.