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凸性可以通过正性来解决。Convexity can be solved by positivity.

用集合的近似凸性研究函数的拟凸性。Quasiconvex functions are studied by applying nearly convexity of sets.

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在广义凸性条件下,建立了弱对偶性定理。Weak duality theorem is established under generalized convexity conditions.

种子囊的突起对寄主的选择起着决定性的作用。The convexity of the seed capsule is of decisive importance in host selection.

本发明提供一种热轧轧机的凸度控制装置以及方法。The invention provides a convexity control device and method for hot rolling mill.

凸性避险往往会越滚越大,导致公债收益率加速上扬.Convexity hedging often feeds on itself, causing Treasury yields to rise even faster.

其中函数的凹凸性是极大极小定理的重要条件。Thereinto the concavity and convexity of functions is important condition in minimax theory.

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目的探讨凸面脑膜瘤脑膜尾征的临床意义。Objective To investigate the clinical significance of dural tail sign in convexity meningioma.

而采用KH线性插值推理也存在着难以保证推理结果的凸性和正规性等问题。It is also difficult to keep convexity and normality using KH linear interpolative reasoning method.

函数凹凸性的不同组合往往可以构成一个新的极大极小定理。Sometimes different combinations in the concavity and convexity of functions may construct a new theorem.

讨论了它的许多函数性质,例如单调性、连续性、凸性。Some functional properties of this constant, such as monotonicity, continuity and convexity are discussed.

介绍了一种精确测量零件凸面弧长的较简便易行的方法。A easy and feasible method to precisely measuring arc length on part's convexity is introduced in this paper.

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为了在多维稀疏规则条件下能得到好的插值推理结果,提出了一种基于几何相似的插值推理方法。For example it is difficult to keep convexity and normality to them under multidimensional sparse rules condition.

运用久期—凸度方法,研究了资产负债管理的利率免疫策略。Interest rate immunization strategy in the asset-debt management is discussed using the duration convexity method.

之后将该标尺附于要测量的凸面上,再次利用读数显微镜并根据标尺校准值测出凸面弧长。Then put the ruler on the surface of part's convexity and measure the arc length also with the numerical reading microscope.

简单多边形顶点的凸、凹性判断是计算机图形学中常用的算法。The algorithm for detecting the convexity and concavity of vertices of a simple polygon is commonly used in computer graphics.

本文的主要目的是在不具任何凸结构的一般拓扑空间中研究KKM理论及其应用。This paper is aimed to study the KKM theory and its applications in general topological spaces without any convexity structure.

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文中许多结果可以被认为是对最优值函数凹凸性研究成果的更一般拓广。Many results in this paper can be considered as generalizations to the concavity and convexity studies of the optimal functions.

近年来,凸性在许多应用数学领域的极值问题研究中已越来越重要。Convexity has been increasingly important in recent years in the study of extremum problems in many areas of applied mathematics.

而最优化理论的许多有意义的重要结果大都建立在凸性和某些广义凸性的假定上。And many meaningful and important results in the optimization theory was base on the the convex and some assumptions on the convexity.