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他显出一副息事求和的样子,用手背抹了一下鼻子。He drew the back of his hand across his nose with a conciliatory air.

你没去外国国家国家疑题邀请简跟你一块来,就算是和解的表达。You do a conciliatory gesture facings Jane by inviting IT to coming dawn you.

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总得想个办法。“他回过脸来,稍微和缓些。We have to find a way. "He turned round, sounding a little more conciliatory."

吵架后,派特里克通过送花来安抚简。After their argument, Patrick made a conciliatory effort by sending Jane flowers.

如何解释这一谦逊调和的情绪——急需迎合而非自大?。What explains this modest and conciliatory mood—the ingratiate ratherthanswagger?

不仅如此,联军的政治宣传部门也没有对当地无辜的老百姓作过多安抚。This time, the political teams tried a far less conciliatory approach with local people.

但是,米切莱蒂这一和解姿态受到很多塞拉亚支持者的嘲笑。But his conciliatory talk was met with scorn by many Zelaya supporters, including this man.

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其实,这本术语充斥、构思欠严谨的大部头书的大部分内容要远远比上述的话来得平和。Most of his long, carelessly shaped, jargon-filled book is far more conciliatory than that.

尽管一贯对美国出言不逊,但查韦斯对西班牙却采取了较为温和的政策。While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory toward Spain.

尽管一向对美国出言不逊,查韦斯对西班牙却采取了较为温和的态度。While taking a familiar pop at the United States, Chavez was more conciliatory towards Spain.

他还认为托德将会是个懂得统筹的主席,并且愿意将权力授予。He also feels that Todt will be a conciliatory president and will be willing to delegate power.

此刻,迪蒙与两位高级助手站在讲台上,他试图采用平和的语言安抚听众。Standing on the dais with two senior lieutenants, Mr. Dimon tried to strike a conciliatory tone.

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可是至今为止,这个神秘的社会主义国家在国际舞台中一直在维护其调和者的姿态。But recently, the secretive communist nation has made more conciliatory gestures on the world stage.

竹下先生访问华府第三天,他对贸易争执表示软化。Mr. Takeshita, in the third day of his visit to Washington, has been conciliatory on trade disputes.

因此,工党需要一个适应“新政治”、能屈能伸的领导人。So Labour needs a leader fitted for the "new politics", able to be conciliatory as well as ruthless.

我也要用委婉的言辞,许以地位和礼品,给他们写信,诱导他们也作我的助手。I too will write them conciliatory words and offer dignities and gifts, so that they may be an aid to me.

虽然沙国石油部长雅曼尼有时候认为是西方国家的顽敌,但是他常常采取斡旋妥协的立场。While he is sometimes viewed as the West's inveterate enemy, Yamani has often taken conciliatory stances.

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他提出和平条约,虽然有“一个中国”政策的框架,但有很多怀柔元素。His offer of a peace treaty, although framed within the "One China" policy, has many conciliatory elements.

基尔的和解性讲话非常重要,因为他肯定会成为一个新的国家的领导人。Mr Kiir's conciliatory remarks are significant as he's all but certain to become the leader of a new country.

在乔治•布什冲动地确信其道德正义之后,冷静、抚慰的实用主义受到欢迎,但是这带有风险。Calm and conciliatory pragmatism is welcome after George Bush's impetuous moral certitude, but it also carries risks.