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如果他是长子该有多好啊。If only he were the eldest.

财产传给了长子。The estate falls to the eldest son.

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天照是伊邪那岐的长女。She is the eldest daughter of Izanagi.

二姐和大姐都病了。Both she and my eldest sister are sick.

我年龄最大的猫,mo,两个月以前死亡。Our eldest cat, mo, died two months ago.

称号由长子代代相传。The title descends through eldest sons.

长子和长女都已经成家。And the eldest sister is already married.

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这城堡限定由长子继承。The castle is entailed on the eldest son.

他的大儿子是个无所用心、挥霍无度的人。His eldest son was careless and extravagant.

我告诉他我是他的第二个孙子。I told him I was his second eldest grandson.

这座大楼将转交给其长子。The building will devolve to his eldest son.

这幢房子限定由长女来继承。This house is entailed on the eldest daughter.

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华兹是家中老大,有八个弟妹。He was the eldest in a family of nine children.

我从没想过让大儿子改掉讲笑话的好习惯。I never want my eldest son to stop telling jokes.

杨秀一见大哥变得如此狼狈。YangXiu see eldest brother became so discomfiture.

我的大女儿诺艾尔现在就能很流利说了一口英语。My eldest daughter Noelle is fluent in English now.

我的“生命”与我的大女儿在车内交谈。My “life” talks with my eldest daughter in the car.

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早上6点20分,和长子一起吃热巧克力和烤面包。Nov----6.20 am hot chocolate and toast with eldest.

大太子位于皇上之下万人之上。The eldest prince precedes all men except the king.

“那是为什么?”梅柳科娃的长女问道。"Why so?" asked the eldest daughter of the Melyukovs.