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难道这就是科学应该是由西方起源的原因吗?So is this why science is considered to be a western artefact?

但是,宗教的出现,乃是作为创造虚构世界的那种能力的一个人工产物。But it arises as an artefact of the ability to build fictive worlds.

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然而就这件事来说,用户看到的是一个人工数据收集过程制造的‘赝品’。In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artefact of the data collection process.

咱们在找一个肯负责的公司,将我们的产品能在竞争剧烈的市场中卖出去。We're looking for a take-charge company to deliver our new artefact in a aggressive market.

熟悉环状软骨侧边声像,可助超声诊断医师避免误诊。Familiarity with the appearance of this artefact will help sonographers to avoid diagnostic errors.

支持对交付件的分类、检索、协作和部署前的场景测试等特性。Features like artefact categorization, search, collaboration and scenario testing before deployment are supported.

人工制品来源于某个时代,停留于那个时代,像一件陶器,最终成为了属于它那个时代的遗迹。An artefact is something from a time that stays in that time like a piece of pottery and it becomes like a relic of that time.

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排毒可以采取一年或以上,但最终的结果是一个相对稳定的历史遗物,否则将被丢失。Detox can take a year or more but the end result is a relatively stable historic artefact that would otherwise have been lost.

一家美国拍卖行日前正试图通过互联网来出售一件萨达姆·侯赛因曾经穿过的军装,这件军装是美军在伊拉克战争中的战利品。U.S. auction house is trying to sell one of Saddam Hussein's military uniforms online, calling it an "ultimate artefact" of the U.S. war in Iraq.

梅林和亚瑟王子前往寻找一个有强大力量,能够使人长生不老的圣物「生命之盃」。Merlin and Arthur are sent on a perilous mission to locate a powerful magical artefact known as the Cup of Life, which holds the gift of immortality.

使用它驱鬼以后,玩家在他的回合就不能进行其他任何活动了,你必须选择使用您的驱魔的开始阶段。Once Artefact is used, B-Rice is discarded. It's not possible to use it after rolling dice, you must choose to use it at the beginning of your exorcism.

事件时间线是一个短暂的中间成果,以帮助提醒团队都发生了什么事情,但它通常不作为回顾的最终产出。The timeline of event is a transient artefact that helps to remind the team what happened but it is not normally kept as an output of the retrospective.

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在建筑物施工期间发现的瓶子,最初的人工品毫不知情的放在碗橱里,房子的主人乔巴特勒描述他的所见。Discovered by accident during building work, the artefact initially sat unrecognised in a cupboard. Jo Butler, the house's owner, described what they found.

此外,亦可见脊髓内的刀迹金属伪迹影、脊髓损伤信号、水肿信号、脊髓出血信号、硬膜外、下血肿出血信号。Many other signals including artefact of knife track, spinal cord injury, edema, hemorrhage, and hematoma of subdural and epidural were also seen in some cases.