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有人说榭寄生?Did someone say mistletoe?

这是一种寄生植物。Mistletoe is a parasite plant.

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榭寄生可以在地上生长吗?Does mistletoe ever grow on the ground?

另一种受欢迎的常青植物叫槲寄生。Another popular evergreen plant is mistletoe.

如果你站在檞寄生下会发生什麽事?。What happens if you stand under the mistletoe?

古代德鲁伊特人相信檞寄生拥有魔力。Ancient Druids believed mistletoe had magical powers.

在英格兰圆球状的槲寄生通常会被悬挂在门口。A mistletoe in England would be hanging in a doorway in the shape of a ball.

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接吻是一个传统如果两个人在门口挂下站在槲寄生上。Kissing is a tradition if two people stand under mistletoe hung in a doorway.

从前,有一位伟大的斯堪的纳维亚英雄被一支用槲木制成的箭射死了。A great Scandinavian hero was killed by an arrow made from a mistletoe branch.

目的通过体外实验研究槲寄生凝集素对肿瘤细胞的细胞毒性作用。Objective To study the cytotoxic effects of mistletoe lectins on tumour cells.

槲寄生植物长期以来一直被盖尔人和日尔曼人认为是有着神奇的力量。Mistletoe had long been considered to have magic powers by Celtic and Teutonic peoples.

其他发现包括来自肯尼亚的野生茄子和莫桑比克热带槲寄生。Other findings include a wild aubergine from Kenya and tropical mistletoe in Mozambique.

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这种传统圣诞节里的槲寄生原产于欧洲,是一种寄生植物。The traditional Christmas mistletoe is native to Europe. Mistletoe is a parasite plant.

他恳求地球上一切不要伤害她的儿子,但她却忘掉了槲寄生。She begged all things on Earth to bring no harm to her son, but she forgot the mistletoe.

举例来说,高卢德鲁伊人认为槲寄生是从天堂来的橡树上长出来的。For example, the druids of Gaul regarded mistletoe growing on oak trees as sent from heaven.

槲寄生是一种寄生植物,寄生在其他树上并摄取其营养和水分。Mistletoe is a parasitic plant. It connects itself to a tree and steals nutrients and water.

槲寄生有神奇的力量起源于基督诞生以前的欧洲。The origin of the belief that the mistletoe had magical powers, began in pre-Christian Europe.

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长久以来,槲寄生一直被视为催情剂,也是生命和繁殖力的赠与者。The mistletoe has long been considered an aphrodisiac, as well as a giver of life and fertility.

目的克隆槲寄生蛋白具有N-糖苷酶活性的毒性A链。Objective To clone the gene of the toxic A chain of mistletoe protein with N-glycosidase activity.

浩德是个盲人,邪神洛基抓着浩德的手让浩德一箭射中了保德的心脏。Holder was blind and Loki held onto his hand and shot Balder in the heart with the mistletoe arrow.