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我情愿不去。B. I'd rather not.

宁先生说。Rather the Sir says.

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我宁愿待在家里。I'd rather stay home.

她有点害羞。She is rather bashful.

她有点怕羞。She is rather bashful.

他看来相当消沈。He looks rather dashed.

我的叔叔很胖。My uncle is rather fat.

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灯光很暗。The light is rather dim.

这汤有点热。This soup is rather hot.

你做得满好。You've done rather well.

他今天够累的了。He is rather tired today.

夏宁忙道。Summer rather favour way.

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这座庙很古老了。The temple is rather old.

未免也太不公平吧?Also too is rather unfair?

他是个不折不扣的傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

那是傻子,哈里,傻子。He was rather a blockhead.

我比较喜欢淡一点的茶。I like my tea rather weak.

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正剃须的我那时真的很狼狈。I’m rather a messy shaver.

我们才不愿见到他们呢。We'd rather not meet them.

他们宁可将其妖魔化。But they’d rather demonize.