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但在别的时候,蒙贡-额尔德尼更像是热血青年。At other times, though, he comes across as an overzealous adolescent.

还有其他的科学家也发现MMP过度活跃与主动脉瘤有关的证据。Other scientists have also found evidence of a role for overzealous MMPs.

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我被大家在电视中看到激情戏的反应震惊了。I was stunned and shocked about the overzealous reaction to people having sex on TV.

就像早先提到的,牵开器使用过于积极可能损伤皮肤和肌肉组织。Overzealous use of retractors can damage the skin and the musculature, as mentioned earlier.

我们强调了政策失误的危险性,尤其是过分紧缩的危害。We highlighted the danger of policy mistakes, especially the impact of overzealous austerity.

不幸的是,过分警惕的补丁操作将会占用整个服务器资源。It would be unfortunate to find that overzealous patching has taken down the entire server resource.

我曾经一度认为日本人由于对产品包装业的痴迷,从而产生了很多废物。I used to think Japan produced a lot of waste with their overzealous wrapping and packaging of products.

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如果保护知识产权重要,那么要先保护网络被过分的强制实施破坏。If protecting intellectual property is important, so is protecting the Internet from overzealous enforcement.

上述举措能防止“找朋友”服务被某些人利用,如充满嫉妒的前任男友或过于热情的老板。These steps help prevent Find Friends from being used, say, by a jealous ex-boyfriend or an overzealous boss.

科学家居然将西方国家发生的哮喘和过敏上升率,与我们过分热衷清洁联系到一起了。Scientists actually connect the rising rates of asthma and allergies in the West to our overzealous cleanliness.

巴拉克·奥巴马的批评者指责影响微乎其微新制度的停滞和操之过急的官员们。Barack Obama's critics blame the stagnation on the stifling effect of new regulations and overzealous bureaucrats.

从历史记录来看,我们现在听到的一些不理智的口号和不宽容的威胁实在是再自然不过的事情。Given the history, it is only natural that we should hear overzealous slogans or intolerant threats from some activists.

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王宫内的消息来源说,事实并非如此,是过于热心的政府自作主张,进行了大量的逮捕。Not so, insists a source in the palace, who blames an overzealous government for the spurt of Cheap Ragnarok Zeny arrests.

从洞里挖出大量水泥碎块和垃圾之后,挖掘机操作员又做了点过分热心的事。After pulling out huge blocks of concrete and piles of dirt from the hole, the Excavator operator got a little overzealous.

试图通过大量输液以恢复血压常常导致循环过载和肺水肿。Frequently, overzealous administration of fluids in the attempt to restore BP leads to circulatory overload and pulmonary edema.

这个时刻并不在婚礼策划者,过分热心的婆婆抑或是婚礼主角计划之内。These moments are not subject to the dictates of a wedding planner, an overzealous mother-in-law or the happy couple themselves.

这类公鱼会保护牠们的客户不被过度积极的母鱼咬伤,随后自己独享这些美味的点心。By protecting their clients from being bitten by overzealous female cleaner fish, the males bag some tasty dessert for themselves.

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既热衷于人身攻击,又致力于改革臃肿的军队情报机构,两者不相上下。Overzealous sleaze-busting was matched by an apparently obsessive focus on reforming the over-mighty military-intelligence service.

丁瓦、麦金和麦葛是王国里三个不太守规矩,过分热心的部落首领。The three lords of the kingdom – Dingwall, Macintosh and MacGuffin – are the unruly, overzealous leaders of their respective clans.

对那些贪婪的企业投资者和过度热心的科学家们来说,史酷比是一个障碍,想出一切办法要除掉他。For those greedy corporate investors and overzealous scientists, the Scooby-Doo is an obstacle, think of all the ways to get rid of him.