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你船的后吃水是多少?What is your draft aft?

引航梯离后部太远。Pilot ladder too far aft.

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送出两根艉倒缆。Send out two springs aft.

停止松双艉倒缆。Stop slacking two springs aft.

你船能抛弃后面的货物使船浮起吗?Can you jettison cargo aft to refloat?

滑手滑船时能从船头到船尾滑动的座椅。Rower's seat that slides fore and aft.

从船尾桅杆伸出支撑船头四方形的船帆的圆材。The lower aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail.

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他选中了一个橘黄色的箭头,把它转向舰尾。He grabbed an orange arrow and twisted it aft.

航后检查发现左后航行灯不亮。Postflight check found L AFT NAV light not on.

打开后非增压舱接近门,311BL。Aft Unpressurized Compartment Access Door, 311BL.

在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.

艉轴管前、后衬套压入检查。Inspection push up load for fore and aft stern tube bushes.

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导弹从船尾往右舷来了!两颗!Osean Fleet Missiles incoming from aft starboard ! Two of them!

地面对DFCS做系统测试正常,清洁MCP板后插头,测试B通道正常。GND test for DFCS OK, clean MCP aft plug, test for channel B OK.

她美貌,衣著华丽,躲在窗帘背后。She hides handsome and richly drest aft the blinds of the window.

将拖轮在右侧主甲板上挽牢。Utopia Aft Station. Make tug fast on main deck on starboard side.

灰色件,在这里看到的将相结合,使8毫米尾部主甲板。Thee gray pieces seen here will combine to make the 8mm Aft Main Deck.

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皮肤上细菌种类最少的地方在你的耳朵后面,只有19种。While the least erse mix, with only 19 species, lives aft of your ears.

您认为前后下底墩冲砂SA2.0级的比例为多少。How many percentage of the fore& aft lower stool to be blasted to SA2.0?

去后舱需要从餐厅的位置略微往下迈一小步。Getting into the aft cabin involves a slight step down from saloon level.