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熏制的珍珠鸡。Smoked guinea fowl.

我喜欢牛肉胜过鱼或鸡肉。I prefer beef to fish or fowl.

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鸭子是一种水上禽鸟。Ducks are a type of water fowl.

喔,那叫做乌骨鸡汤。Oh, it's called silky fowl soup.

请问珍珠鸡是怎么做的?What is the Guinea fowl like, please?

食鱼肉的话是僧,只吃肉的是俗人。To be neither fish, nor flesh, nor fowl

除了羊之外,还有珍珠鸡的大力协助。The sheep are ably assisted by guinea fowl.

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素食者不吃鸡鸭鱼肉。Vegetarians do not eat fish, flesh and fowl.

这鸡已被出售给库克在河内。This fowl had been sold to a cocker in Ha Noi.

有一种非洲鸟叫珍珠鸡。There is an African bird called the guinea fowl.

我们开始了一年的灰色鸡从阮贵部门官员。We begin the year with a grey fowl from Quy Nhon.

我们专门出产真空包装乌骨鸡和一般食品。We are specialized in silky fowl and food products.

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他们在户外烤了几块肉、鸡和鱼。They barbecued several pieces of beef, fowl and fish.

我可以用一只更强壮的种鸡斗败我堂兄的公鸡。I could match my cousin's game-cock with a sturdier fowl.

保持天然的做法包括饲养绵羊和珍珠鸡。Keeping to the natural approach are sheep and guinea fowl.

禽产品是人们获取蛋白质的主要食品。Major food of human body absobing protein is fowl product.

在平底驳船里,畏缩的家禽对嚎叫的猫头鹰面露不悦。In the scow , the cowering fowl scowled at the howling owl.

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是河南家禽业协会理事单位。Is the Henan domesticated fowl industry association director unit.

家鸡是由东南亚原鸡演变而来的。Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.

本文论述采用电子控制技术、研制的补光自动控制装置。The auto control device with electron control technique of the fowl.