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人都是会动感情的,是吧?The person is to meet emotive , yes?

感情的失败,工作的不顺心。Emotive fails, of the job not satisfactory.

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母亲的心是儿女们感情的温度表。Maternal heart is children people emotive thermometer.

感情的事和生活琐事不能混为一谈!Emotive thing and life bagatelle cannot confuse sth with sth else!

不过我认识到这是一个敏感而引发情绪的话题。However, I recognise that this is a sensitive and emotive subject.

第四、五两章主要陈述情感因素和模糊现象在新闻报道语言中的体现。And Chapter IV states emotive elements in the language of news reporting.

为什么感情的事情让人困扰,这个世界上有忘情丹吗?。Why emotive thing lets person worry, have on this world be indifferent red?

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类似地,不要使用情绪化的语言——不论是支持还是反对ESC研究。Similarly, try not use emotive language — either for or against ESC research.

避免使用最高级和动感情的语言,它们被引用后可能脱离自己的本意。Avoid using superlatives and emotive language that can be quoted out of context.

对实验班实施情绪教育,对照班不予辅导。Our implement emotive education to experiment class, refuse to coach contrast class.

阿霞痛下决心,与这个玩弄感情的骗子分手了。Xia is painful be determined, dallied with emotive cheater to part company with this.

这样看来,吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和起到很大影响。Noisy neighbours are one of the most emotive causes of domestic upset for a very good reason.

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特别对于大豆和棕榈油来说,有个对毁林不满的情绪问题。There is also the emotive issue of deforestation, particularly with respect to soya and palm oil.

这部影片是致力于一个非常美丽的,伟大的和情绪化的演员,基努里维斯在他的电影。This video is dedicated to a very beautiful, great and emotive actor, Keanu Reeves in his movies.

在中美贸易关系愈发紧张的时候,这个问题也触及了不同寻常的敏感话题。The issue also touched on an unusually emotive subject at a time of rising Sino-US trade tensions.

针对一例情绪困扰问题的个案,采用了合理情绪疗法和放松训练。At the case report of emotional disturbance, I adopted rational emotive therapy and relaxation therapy.

后来,Richards换了一种说法,他不在使用科学或者情感类的语言。Later on Richards changes his vocabulary, and he no longer talks about scientific and emotive language.

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对于我来说回到安菲尔德的教练席真的令人激动,而球迷们的回应也让我感动至极。It was emotive for me to go down there into the dugout and the response from the crowd was very much appreciated.

他原是个三流摇滚团体的吉他手,后来放弃对于音乐的追求,而将满腔的热情放在了插花和盆景事业之中。Originally a guitarist in a grunge rock band, Azuma quit music to work on his emotive flower and plant-based art.

没有人能够否认英国手语是有效的交流手段,但问题是它的作用被感情扩大化了。Nobody can deny that British Sign Language is an efficient communication method, but the subject is an emotive one.