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我们透过满是煤烟的窗户往外看。We looked out through the sooty windows.

在阳光笼罩下了一只黑色信天翁俯视着金港。A light- mantled sooty albatross looks down on Gold Harbour.

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苏提。苏克擦掉姐姐苏齐乌黑鞋子上的煤烟。Sooty Sukey Shook some soot From sister susie's Sooty shoes.

佛像的脸上布满乌黑色的“泪痕”,鼻子已经全部变黑。Its face is streaky with sooty tears, and its nose blackened.

黑子和石破天背对出击,他们也处于被夹攻当中。Sooty skyshatter back to attack, and stone is also be of both.

在房屋内,充满煤烟的空气会导致可怕的呼吸道感染。Inside homes, the sooty air causes terrible respiratory infections.

我只看见系在一起的两条乌黑的辫子,搭在花布棉袄上。I just saw two sooty plaits tied together, put up on her printed cloth wadded jacket.

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至少,这只不起眼的黑海鸥临死前那一声尖叫恢复了她的理性。At least the death cry of the insignificant sooty gull gave her back her significance.

因此,亚洲,欧洲和北美的煤烟排放量会促使北极冰层变薄。Thus, sooty emissions from Asia, Europe and North America are helping to thin the Arctic ice.

头部的褐色不能延伸到颈部,也不能出现乌黑色或暗黑色被毛与其它褐色被毛混合的现象。Tan on head not to extend on to neck, nor must any sooty or dark hair intermingle with any of tan.

紫薇煤污病是贵阳地区紫薇的主要病害之一。The pathogen Capnodium sp. causes a serious sooty mold disease on Lagerstroemia indica in Guiyang.

当月蚀时,夜里在黝黑的地方,即使是最顽强的人也会感到不安。In an eclipse in the night, in the sooty opacity, there is anxiety even for the stoutest of hearts.

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这类真菌往往是谷物的寄生菌,在其上产出大量烟熏状的乌黑孢子。Many are important parasites of cereals and form a mass of sooty black spores in place of the grain.

此外,还有农作物废弃物焚烧和柴油发动机燃烧产生的煤烟颗粒,科学家们称之为黑碳物质。Both agricultural burning and diesel engines yield dark sooty particles scientists call black carbon.

“乌”的因素,给出了一个黑色的毛发尖,多可爱的马的颜色变化。The "sooty" factor, which gives a black tip to the hairs, produces many lovely variations in horse color.

多亏有了科学家罗伯特·安格斯·史密斯,煤烟笼罩下的曼彻斯特才能目睹现代环保思想的诞生。Sooty Manchester witnessed the birth of modern environmental concerns thanks to the scientist Robert Angus Smith.

黑黝黝的山色渐渐转淡,直到和埃尼斯做早饭时的炊烟浑然一色。The sooty bulk of the mountain paled slowly until it was the same color as the smoke from Ennis's breakfast fire.

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好景不长,一向乖巧的“小黑子”在一次玩耍中猛地在“小虎子”手上咬了一口,立时鲜血直流。Recently, always cunning "small" sooty in a play in "little jerk in nothing" hand of a bite, immediately blood dc.

假设“小虎子”又想念“小黑子”,悄悄跑来看望昔日的好伙伴,却被再次咬伤。Assumption "nothing" and "little miss small", running quietly sooty visit former good partner, but are again bites.

这是一幢上下各两层且带有一个小厨房结构的屋子,以其黑暗和烟熏的色调,给人一种直逼狄更斯的感觉。It's a two-up, two-down with a little kitchen and almost has a Dickensian feel to it, with its dark and sooty colours.