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在许多民粹主义的举措上,法国孤立无援。On many of these populist measures, France is isolated.

它因太过平民而被看轻实在是一件憾事。It's a shame that it's looked down on for being too populist.

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这在于选秀节目的全民性。The reason lies in the populist nature of these talent shows.

对美国国际集团的过分关心是美国新民粹主义者情绪表现的征兆吗?Was the fuss over AIG a sign of a new populist mood in America?

孟菲斯市在推行文化的民粹主义道路。The city of Memphis is promoting a populist approach to culture.

但是根据民粹主义的说法,你只要把责任统统归咎于高盛银行就万事大吉了。But with the populist narrative, you can just blame Goldman Sachs.

在历史上,平民主义者的目标是实现富裕和人人平等。Historically, the populist aim was prosperity and equality for all.

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它是一次平民运动,还是有大财团在暗中支持?Is the tea party a real populist movement or a front for big business?

它关注与名人的独家新闻和平民党新闻。The newspaper concentrated on celebrity-based scoops and populist news.

但是,在阿尔·戈尔2000年的选战中却有很强的人民党调子。But in 2000 Al Gore injected a strongly populist tone into his campaign.

较弱的,也是民粹主义的论调是“盎格鲁—撒克逊资本主义已经失败。”The weaker, populist argument is that Anglo-Saxon capitalism has failed.

而如今克里姆林宫的密友多属于民粹派。But these days the Kremlin's chums are mostvisible on the populist right.

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但与人民打成一片正是贝卢斯科尼先生固有的亲民做派。But contact with the people is intrinsic to Mr Berlusconi's populist style.

所谓民主没有「红线」,其实是一种民粹论述。To assert that "one cannot set limits on democracy" is populist demagoguery.

随之而来,支持和反对民粹主义思想的共同呼声都在高涨。Along with it are the chorus of voices rising for and against populist ideas.

奥巴马在这个民粹主义的传统上的影响就像在一头牛面前摇动红色的旗。Obama's effect on this populist tradition is like that of a red flag on a bull.

人民党的政纲要求放松信贷和货币政策以帮助农民。The Populist platform demanded easier credit and currency policies to help farmers.

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也许这是政客们面对明年的大选为了迎合民声所制造的政治噪音,可以置之不顾。That could be dismissed as populist political noise ahead of elections due next year.

一条广告将此次会议说成是反对既定公司权力的平民起义。An advertisement cast the event as a populist uprising against vested corporate power.

任何选择无视这种民粹主义思想的领袖都有被打上背叛者烙印的危险。Any leaders who choose to ignore this populist thinking risk being branded as sellouts.