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所有情感的交织是什么?What is all affective interweave?

不过,礼轻情意重嘛!However, the ceremony affective light weight!

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精神官能症就是起源于那个原初情感情境。The neurosis arose from the original affective situations.

情感的水源,孕育了多彩的生活,至诚的生命!Affective wellhead was bred to be polychrome life and sincere life!

胰岛素原水平是胰岛素抵抗的独立相关因素。Proinsulin was an independent affective factor of insulin resistance.

主观幸福感由认知和情感两个成分构成。Subjective well-being consists of cognitive and affective components.

这种现象有一个术语,叫做“情感预测And the technical term for this by the way, is "affective forecasting."

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中国人的感情生活崇尚多味,避忌单一。Chinese advocate rich and varied affective life avoiding the monotonous.

冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affective ly.

情感性预测研究中的误差也是这样产生的。And that tends to be the form that most errors in affective forecasting take.

从此,开始了我在双相情感障碍的精神系统内的生活之旅。And so began my life in the psychiatric system with bipolar affective disorder.

她没有情感性疾病史,也无服药史。She had no past history of affective illness and was not taking any medication.

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情感性预测研究就是要回答这些问题。Those are the questions that the study of affective forecasting tries to answer.

合理的空间语言不仅促进思维表达,更能促进情感交流。Reasonable proxemics can not only help thinking but promote affective interaction.

第五,微晞之露引起多重情感倾向,既有喜悦之情也表现悼念之情。Five, the little and lost dew expresses the affective attitude of happiness and mourn.

结论胎次越高,发生儿童情感性障碍的可能性越大。Conclusion The higher the birth order, the more vulnerable to child affective disorder.

神的形象存在于我们的理性、意志,和情感的能力中,也存在于我们的身体内。The image consists in our rational, volitional, affective faculties, and in our bodies.

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多见的症状是意志减退,情感淡漠,妄想和幻觉。Abulia, affective flattening, delusion and hallucination were their most common symptoms.

本文从理论方面对英语教学中的情感因素作了分析和探讨。This essay analyzes and explores affective factors in ELT from the theoretical perspective.

任务型教学模式也有助于提高情感因素和认知水平。Task-based instruction also resulted in better affective factors and higher cognitive level.