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她打碎了一只花瓶。She broke a vase.

我能够看龙舟赛。I can watch boat vase.

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你的花瓶很漂亮。Your vase is beautiful.

花瓶跌个粉碎。The vase fell in pieces.

我没有摔破花瓶。I didn"t break the vase."

我喜欢这个陶瓷花瓶。I like the cloisonné vase.

她碰倒了花瓶。She knocked the vase over.

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她将玫瑰花插在花瓶里。She put roses in the vase.

花瓶落在地上,哗啦一声碎了。The vase fell with a smash.

我可以黏好那只破掉的花瓶。I can glue that broken vase.

这是个8尺高的装饰花瓶。It is 8-foot decorative vase.

金瓶使这桌子生色不少。A gold vase adorned the table.

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花瓶打碎了。The vase is smashed to pieces.

她把花瓶猛掷在地板上。She dashed a vase to the floor.

我不小心把地上的花瓶碰掉了。Carelessly I knocked down a vase.

我把花瓶从桌子上碰掉了。I knocked the vase off the table.

花瓶掉下来摔成两半了。The vase fell and broke into two.

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瓶呈葫芦形,直口,双圆腹,束腰。The vase is of double-gourd shape.

他们被花瓶挡住了走不过去。They could not walk past the vase.

她把花瓶里的花插好了。She arranged the flowers in a vase.