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他们拿枪指着我.They held me at gunpoint.

持枪相威胁,抢夺他人财物的行为。The act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

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持枪相威胁,掠取他人财物的行为。the act of robbing someone at gunpoint.

可是在这个档口她还是要回到中国。She'll return to China only at gunpoint.

那一日他将枪口倒转指向本身。That day, he turned his gunpoint to himself.

您可曾闻到鸟儿在枪口下绝望的哀鸣?Have you ever smelled birds in the despair at gunpoint moan?

难道有可能是兰登和奈芙用枪威胁了银行的职员?Maybe Langdon and Neveu had held a bank employee at gunpoint?

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她将泰瑞琐在房间里,用枪指着她,并用胶带封住了她的嘴。She locks Teri in the room at gunpoint and tapes up her mouth.

南非运动员被枪指着裸体下水也没有多大益处。Skinny-dipping at gunpoint did not do the South Africans much good.

空投停止后,士兵就用枪从老百姓那里抢走食物。When those stopped, the soldiers stole food from civilians at gunpoint.

他们是被用枪指着头游行示众来到这里的一群基督徒。They were taken from a prayer group at gunpoint and marched to the camp.

托尼浏览了反恐组的安全监控录像带,他看到了杰克枪口对着尼娜。Tony scans the CTU security footage and sees Jack take Nina at gunpoint.

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在解释了我们为什么会在这里后我被枪对着押送到一间旅馆。After explaining why I was there, I was escorted at gunpoint to a hostel.

托尼浏览了反恐组的安全监控录像带,他看到了杰克枪口对着尼娜。Tony scans the CTU security footage, and sees Jack take Nina at gunpoint.

另一位死在晚间,被强行拉出私车。Another was stopped at gunpoint in evening traffic and yanked out of the car.

他们射杀了拉尔夫,“将军”还没反应过来就已经处于了枪口下。They shoot Ralph and hold Krantz at gunpoint before he even knows what's happening.

不,我很幸运,我没被人用枪威胁过。No, fortunately for me, I have not actually been any of the people held at gunpoint.

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这些年来,她遭受过匕首威胁,被人拿枪指过头,还曾经惨遭殴打。Over the years she had been threatened with a knife, held at gunpoint and assaulted.

接着,3月28号,拉苏尔的女儿消失的这一天,拉苏尔自己也被逮捕。Then, on 28 March, the day his daughter vanished, Rasul was himself arrested at gunpoint.

还有雪人被小女孩们用枪指着,用扫帚刺的形象。There are examples of snowmen being held up by gunpoint by little girls and stabbed with brooms.