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而“孝亲观”便是这一过程的矛盾集中点。And the idea of filial duty is the conflictive focus of the process.

在过去的40年中,关于基因材料的话题颇具争议。The topic of gene materials has been very conflictive in the last 40 years.

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立法上的空白与司法实践的需要相矛盾。The blank of the legislation is conflictive with the need judicial practice.

两种教育价值观各执一说,相互矛盾和冲突。The two kinds of educative value judgement hold different ideas that are contrary and conflictive each other.

为了更加准确表示证据的冲突程度,提出了一种新的证据距离表示方法。In order to more accurately represent the conflictive degree of evidence, one new representation was proposed.

石化装置长周期运行与安全阀一年一校的矛盾日益突出。Safety valves must be tested annually, which is becoming more and more conflictive to the long run of petrochemical plants.

当意愿和朋友一起外出的欢乐时光,并清理掉有冲突的梦想时,那么将重新安排梦想成为前方更为和谐的状况。Intending a joyous time out with friends and clearing conflictive dreams will rearrange the dream to be more harmonious ahead.

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在追求和平与发展的今天,依然存在着诸多的矛盾、冲突以及其他引发危机的种种因素。Nowadays the world is in pursuit for peace and development, but it still has many conflictive factors which often lead to crises.

这,带来了由于来自不同造物彼此冲突的火元素而经历了部分自我焚化或者部分身体炸毁的人类。This led to humans who experienced partial combustion, or parts of the body burning up due to conflictive element of fire from various creations.

那些有冲突性的人们,通常是来自于其它造物的遗传,因此并不适合提升回本大中枢太阳。Those that are conflictive generally come from other creation inheritances and therefore are not geared to ascension back to this great central sun.

内外部资本市场呈现出替代、冲突及互补等多种特征,使得单一的“替代论”、“冲突论”或“互补论”均缺乏足够的解释力。In the realistic world, the interactions between internal and external capital market take on many characteristics, such as substitution, conflictive and complementation etc.

减小列车空气阻力和降低列车交会压力波,既矛盾又统一,列车气动头部外形设计需要综合考虑各种因素。The aerodynamic shape design of train head should consider all kinds of factors because the relation between reducing aerodynamic drag and air pressure pulse may be conflictive and uniform.