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在为球队效力了两个赛季之后,罗本又伤了。After the team potency two seasons, Ruben was wounded again.

据媒体报道,玻利维亚国防部长鲁文?According to media reports, the Bolivian Defense Minister Ruben?

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我了解到鲁本是一个可爱的人,不管谁上门拉广告他都会来者不拒。I learned that Ruben was a darling man who bought from everyone.

皇家马德里准备将赫塔菲中场球员-鲁本德拉雷德签回。Real Madrid are set to re-sign Getafe midfielder Ruben de la Red.

梅瑟给勒乌本支派,按照他们的家族,分了一份产业。And Moses gave a possession to the children of Ruben according to their kindreds.

桑普多利亚已经准备好在一月把鲁本。奥利维拉送还尤文图斯。Sampdoria are ready to send midfielder Ruben Olivera back to Juventus in January.

现在更多的科学家和其他研究正在挑战一个相同的假设,鲁本说。More scientists and other studies are now challenging the same premise, Ruben said.

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今年二十岁的二等兵林奇明年六月将与军士鲁宾·孔特勒拉结婚,孔特勒拉的母亲说。Private Lynch, 20, will marry Army Sergeant Ruben Contreras next June, his mother said.

靠近厄弗辣因的边界,由东界到西界是勒乌本的一份。And by the border of Ephraim, from the east side even to the side of the sea, one portion for Ruben.

更早些时候,鲁本.菲格罗亚带着读三年级的女儿为矿工们制作的卡片来到这里。Days earlier, Ruben Figueroa arrived with a card for the miners from his daughter's third-grade class.

更早些时候,鲁本.菲格罗亚带着读三年级的女儿为矿工们制作的卡片来到这里。Days earlier, Rubén Figueroa arrived with a card for the miners from his daughter's third-grade class.

鲁本·利马度获得男子单人击剑冠军,这是委内瑞拉历史上的第二枚奥运会金牌。Ruben Limardo won the men's individual epee to earn Venezuela only their second Olympic gold medal ever.

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卢本在美国边境城埃尔帕索为近日到达的非法移民开设了一个中心。Ruben Garcia runs a centre for recently arrived illegal immigrants in the American border town of El Paso.

默辣黎的子孙,按照家族,由勒乌本支派、加得支派和则步隆支派,抽得了十二座城。And to the sons of Merari by their kindreds, of the tribes of Ruben and or Cad and of Zabulon, twelve cities.

洛杉矶的学校督导员鲁本·扎卡雷斯以前曾积极参与反对“自动升级”的活动。Rather, L. A. school superintendent Ruben Zacarias was an eager convert to the crusade against social promotion.

荷兰外交部证实,这名九岁男孩名叫鲁本,是南部城市提堡人。The Dutch foreign ministry has identified the boy as a nine-year-old from the southern city of Tilburg named Ruben.

西班牙网球选手纳达尔在巴黎击败瑞典选手索德林,赢得了第五次法网冠军。The Spanish tennis player Rafeal Nadal has won his fifth French Open title in Paris, defeating Ruben Sodlin of Sweden in three sets.

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所以每当遇到挫折时,我都会想起诺贝尔、鲁宾·劳辛博士,以及许许多多伟人的故事,从这些榜样身上,我学到了永不放弃自己的梦想。So whenever I encounter setbacks, I think of Alfred Nobel, Ruben Rausing and other great heroes, and I learn from their examples by never giving up my dreams.

政府官员鲁本·科斯塔斯告诉记者,这是一个“环境大灾难”,是由圣克鲁兹近半个世纪以来录得的最低温度导致的。This is an “environmental catastrophe” brought on by the lowest temperatures registered in Santa Cruz in nearly half a century, Gov. Ruben Costas told reporters.

“我们最终打破了近20年来的传统知识体系,这种体系坚持认为鸟类从恐龙演化而来,现在争论全都宣告结束,”鲁本说。"We're finally breaking out of the conventional wisdom of the last 20 years, which insisted that birds evolved from dinosaurs and that the debate is all over and done with," Ruben said.