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审阅总分类帐和财务报告。Review general ledger and Financial Reports.

你的声明是电视我们的智能明细帐。Your statement is telly to our Smart ledger.

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把它放在帐本的正方。And that's on the positive side of the ledger.

支持处理与财务总账相关的所有工作。To support all the tasks related General Ledger.

被用来记入存货到正确的总账账目。Posts inventory to proper General Ledger accounts.

在分成类帐中保存的财务来往记录。A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger.

创建内部通用账务应用程序Creating an international general ledger application

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请把这些数字登录在总账上。Please enter up these figures in the general ledger.

莱杰上个月死于处方药使用过量。Ledger died of a prescription drug overdose last month.

分类账是以帐户为单位进行组织的。The unit of organization for the ledger is the account.

这篇观影评论献给传奇的希斯莱杰。This review is dedicated to out legendary Heath Ledger.

这一转抄程序称为“过入分类账”。This transcribing process is called posting to the ledger.

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那个年轻人点头应诺,然后又埋头写起分类帐。The young man bowed his head and bent over his ledger again.

该人口统计以居民基本台账为准。The demographics of the residents subject to the basic ledger.

每一天你们都在创造一篇在你们生命总帐册中的新章节。You are creating a new chapter in your ledger of life each day.

选中此复选框转回添加到“总帐接口”中的应计额。Select to reverse accruals added to the General Ledger Interface.

设置总帐业务单位的其他参数。Set up additional parameters for the general ledger business unit.

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“总帐”业务单支持帐与本位币一对一的关系。General Ledger business unit supports one base currency per ledger.

她不愧是搞财务的,家庭分类账记得清楚详细。She is a real accountant who even keeps a detailed household ledger.

准备和发布总账中更正信息的日志条目。Prepare and post general ledger journal entries for corrections made.