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一个char型数据占据1字节或8比特。So a char size is 1 byte or 8 bits.

熏人的黑焦炭气味几个星期不散,断壁颓垣Black smell of char for weeks, the ruin already

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所以char类型占了1个字节,--那是多少位?So a char is one byte, which is bits -- how many?

所以现在假使它是一个整数或字符。So for now assume it's got to be an int or a char.

他们是char,*s,因为我们现在知道那是什么意思了。They are char *s because we now know what that means.

转换一个DWORD类型的值到一个CHAR类型的值。Converts a value of type DWORD to a value of type CHAR.

然后我声明。char * s1 Then I go ahead and declare a char * called s1.

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点了炒粿条和槟城福建虾面试试看。We ordered the Char Kway Teow and Penang Hokkien Prawn Mee.

正如我们看到的,一个字符就是一个单独的字符。But a char we've seen, a character being a single character.

一种轻微的焦糊味创造了诱人的香味。A slight char is also apparent, creating a very enticing aroma.

如果没有一场透地雨,森林大火将烧尽一切。Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything.

二进制源数据必须是一维的无符号字符数组。Binary source data must be a single-dimensioned array of unsigned char.

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这是因为在大多数操作系统上,一个字符能很好地映射成一个字节。This is because on most operating systems, a char maps well to one byte.

废轮胎热解半焦的产率随着温度的提高而下降。As the temperature is increase there is an decrease in the yield of char.

希望有心情及时间去早点完成马沙的专用机吧!Hope that I will have time and mood to finish this Zaku II ver. Char ASAP!

活化后并不一定能提高煤焦的抗积碳性能。Activating process not always improve the anti-coking ability of coal char.

原煤焦气化残渣中主要含钙铝黄长石。Gehlenite is the major constituent in the gasification residue of raw char.

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我有一个变量,它的类型是。s1 I have a variable called s1 and it's char * of type char * so here we go.

对于大多数字符设备驱动,支持AIO并不能获得太多好处。For most char drivers, there is little benefit to be gained from AIO support.

当你使用char时,你处理的是单字节字符。When you use the char data type, you are dealing with single-byte characters.