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然而这份多米诺骨牌并不会倒地如此之快。Yet the dominoes may not fall so fast.

他们搭建了三百四十万个多米诺骨牌。They set up over 3.40 million dominoes.

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我们可以一起玩多米尼骨牌了。We can play with the dominoes Dominique.

这将引发一系列多米诺骨牌效应。That will be the trigger for so many dominoes to fall.

你必须找到一个押韵的词和桌面上其他的多米诺骨牌相匹配。You have to find a rhyming word to match the dominoes on the table.

昨晚,在一两小时长的电视秀节目里,超过430万多米诺骨牌被推倒。More than 4.3-million dominoes were knocked over during a two-hour TV show last night.

所以,千万别让臀部的骨牌效应拖垮了你的身材曲线。So, the dominoes effect that must not let hip procrastinates broke down your figure curve.

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实际上,所有美国企业的多米诺骨牌已经排好,准备以光速倒下。Indeed, all of corporate America’s dominoes were lined up, ready to topple at lightning speed.

梅斯顿和布斯还解释了为什么1990年我班里的女生像多米诺骨牌那样一个个倒下了。Meston and Buss also explain why the girls in my class at school went down like dominoes in 1990.

我依然能听到多米诺在我爸爸建造的大理石板桌面上吸气的声音。I can still hear the sound of the dominoes clicking on the marble slab my daddy had found for a tabletop.

它也是多米诺骨牌中的第一块,最后将导致政府对医疗保险体系的全面控制。It is also the first in a series of dominoes that will lead to greater government control of the health-care system.

演讲结束后,柏林人把分离柏林的1000多米的多米诺“柏林墙”推倒。After the speeches, Berliners toppled a chain of giant dominoes along the path of the wall which once divided the city.

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玩多米诺骨牌游戏时小心点,这里的人是认真玩的,你可能很快就会败下阵来。Be careful about getting into a game of dominoes. It is played seriously here and you may find yourself quickly trounced.

国际在线报道,德国Weida体育场,一项“人体多米诺床垫”活动创造新的世界纪录。According to the CRI Online, on July 31, a new world record was set for the most human dominoes at Weida stadium, Germany.

格瓦拉呼唤“两个,三个,更多个越南”,好像只有他的敌人们听到了他那套豪言壮语中多米诺骨牌正在倒下。Guevara called for 'two, three, many Vietnams, ' but it seems only his enemies heard the dominoes falling in his rhetoric.

客房60间另会议室、餐厅、停车场、包租房、套房、棋牌室、执照均齐全。Rooms 60 separate meeting rooms, restaurant, parking, rental packages , suites, chess dominoes room, licenses are complete.

竖直游时,它用两排和身体长度相当或更长的纤细的桨状突起来控制方向和移动,两排突起的形状就像是两串多米诺骨牌。Swimming upright, it navigates by moving two body-length rows of thin, paddle-shaped protrusions that cascade like dominoes.

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在美国和加拿大,死亡权利运动正在兴起。观察家们正在等待多米诺骨牌开始倒下。In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength, observes are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.

我曾经去拜访黛咪摩尔和阿什顿库车还有佩内洛普克鲁兹,结果最后我们几个人坐在一起玩多米诺牌。We were at DEMI MOORE's house with ASHTON KUTCHER and PENELOPE CRUZ for dinner. We ended up playing dominoes — hardly rock and roll.

在美国和加拿大,死亡权利运动正在积蓄力量。观察家们正在等待多米诺骨牌产生的效应。In the US and Canada, where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes to start falling.