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有插笔孔。Pen loop.

我需要一支签字笔。I need a pen.

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这是我的钢笔。This is my pen.

手边有笔吗?Got a pen handy?

他靠笔耕为生。He lives by pen.

他把笔蘸上墨水。He inked his pen.

像这样拿笔。Hold your pen so.

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我想要支新钢笔。I want a new pen.

我丢掉了一支笔。I've lost my pen.

它是一枝好笔吗?。Is it a good pen?

记事本和笔.Notebook and pen.

请问你有笔吗?Do you have a pen?

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吉姆有支新钢笔。Jim has a new pen.

这是支新钢笔。This is a new pen.

我没有笔名。I have no pen name.

我可以借支笔吗?May I borrow a pen?

是的,我有笔。Yes , I have a pen.

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你有笔吗?-有。You got a pen?-Yes.

这支笔多少钱?How much is the pen?

汤姆把他的笔借给了我。Tom lent me his pen.