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尝试放一些腐殖酸在小麦皮塔面包上。Try humus on wheat pita bread.

你要请我吃烧饼啊?You want to treat me to pita bread?

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我是包在空心大饼里的谜中谜。I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a pita.

鹰嘴豆沙加黄瓜,全麦皮塔饼配上西红柿切片。Hummus with cucumber and tomato slices on whole wheat pita

在美食庭院里,他们吃着皮塔饼卷和日本面条。In the food court, they eat pita wraps and Japanese noodles.

在我家,皮塔饼是必需品,我也很喜欢自己做皮塔饼。Pita is an essential in my home and I do love to make my own pita.

烤全麦皮塔面包,切成三角形,沾些辣番茄酱一起吃。Toasted wholegrain pita bread, cut into triangles, and served with salsa for dipping.

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在希腊,全麦中东包则替代了小圆面包,还有在以色列的犹太风味,在中东符合伊斯兰教的合法口味等。In Greece pita bread replaces the bun, in Israel it’s kosher, in the Middle East halal.

或许,你要放到面酱里的蔬菜,在素食皮塔饼里就有。Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.

获取的皮塔面包坑是第二全长以色列朋克乐队无用的ID录音室专辑,在1999年发布。Get in the Pita Bread Pit is the second full-length studio album by Israeli punk band Useless ID, released in 1999.

打开每个皮塔饼,填入芝麻菜,煎好的汉堡馅以及番茄和红洋葱,淋上少许做好的黄瓜敷料,撒上羊乳酪。Open each pita, stuff with arugula and drizzle with some of the dressing. Add burger, tomato and red onion to pita.

安息日过后,我们总会漫步到野外,享受一顿有著烤鱼,伊拉克圆面饼,亚力酒的盛宴。After the Sabbath, we would wander off to the fields and have a feast with fish cooked on the spit, Iraqi pita and arak.

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一块小小地厚厚地皮塔饼浸泡在鸡蛋里然后放入油锅中炸一下,再和炒过的香蕉、桂皮味的冰激凌混合在一起。Small pieces of a dense pita bread had been dipped in egg and fried, served with sauteed bananas and cinnamon ice cream.

比萨饼的通常做法是用发酵的圆面饼上面覆盖番茄酱,奶酪以及其他配料,并由烤炉烤制而成。Pizza usually approach is used in fermentation of pita covered in tomato sauce, cheese and other ingredients and in the oven to bake.

他还找到一块用于烘焙圆面饼的古代托盘,同时出土的还有数百段来自于牛、羊以及鱼类的骨头——但没有猪骨。He also found an ancient tray for baking pita bread, along with hundreds of bones from cattle, goats, sheep, and fish—but no pig bones.

以上所有沙拉您都可以选择配以皮塔饼或百吉饼及我们特制的酱料,请告诉点菜员。All of our salads come with a choice of Pita bread or Bagel and special homemade sauce, if you want a different sauce, please tell your waiter.

直到写满20个才停下来,你甚至可以写“对自己右手小拇指的形状很感恩”或则“我很感谢香辣土豆泥和皮塔饼的味道”。Don’t stop until you get to twenty, even if you end up with something like “I’m thankful for the shape of my right pinkie toe” or “I’m thankful for spicy hummus and pita chips.”

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如果一边是夹着烤羊肉片、热乎面包片上抹着香蒜蛋黄酱的皮塔三明治、一边是必须定义一个词“变阻器”,要在两者之间作出选择,相信绝大多数人会毫不犹豫的冲向三明治。If people are given a choice between a nice lamb sandwich with pesto mayonnaise on warm pita bread and having to define the word “rheostat, ” the vast majority will go for the sandwich every time.