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您是否为西裔或拉丁裔?Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin?

一首歌曲由拉丁说唱团欠款习惯。A song performed by latino rap group Delinquent Habits.

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生活就是拉丁港口微醉的黄昏——一种别致的疯狂。Latino port, Dainty and Crazy life, And he is the talented mixer.

这个问题也发生在拉丁裔学生申请者身上。The question is similarly complicated with respect to Latino applicants.

拉丁裔是这些从西班牙语系国家出来的人的另一个名字。Latino is another name for those with roots in Spanish-speaking countries.

在角落里,光着脚丫歇在沙发上的,就是这位拉丁裔明星。And there, in the corner, lounging barefoot on a sofa, is the Latino star himself.

西联汇款正面向美国的拉美移民开展此项新服务的营销。Western Union is marketing its new service to Latino immigrants in the United States.

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从恐惧到嘻哈,拉丁爵士乐,心情很有趣,现场音乐是太棒了。From funk to hip-hop, latino to jazz, the mood is fun and the live music is fantastic.

事实上,一个拉美裔妇女从南布朗克斯未来不应该是一个例外。The fact that a Latino woman is coming from the South Bronx shouldn't be an exception.

拉裔职棒球员在美国出赛﹐克雷门铁是先锋之一。Clemente was one of the first professional Latino baseball players in the United States.

生活就是拉丁港口微醉的黄昏——一种别致的疯狂。The tipsy nightfall, A Latino port, Dainty and Crazy life, And he is the talented mixer.

我们非常担心1070号法案将意味着亚利桑那州拉美社区的终结。We are very concerned that 1070 will signify the end of the Latino community in Arizona.

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Gamboa售卖的胶冻在拉美人看来似乎是非常甜的点心。The ones Gamboa sells seem to be tuned to a Latino palate that likes very sweet desserts.

我都吓了一跳——看见示威中有那么多黑人和拉丁裔的参与者。I was taken aback by how many black and Latino participants I noticed at the demonstration.

嘻哈业内的大部分先驱者都是非裔美国人和拉丁人。The vast majority of pioneers in the hip hop industry have been African-American and Latino.

东欧以及拉丁文化中,人们也喜欢稍短的握手礼。People in Eastern European countries and some latino cultures prefer shorter handshakes, too.

那里的牧师是白人,助理牧师是黑人,而那位创意艺术牧师是拉美人。The pastor is white and the assistant pastor is black, and the creative arts pastor is Latino.

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据相关文章说,在拉美裔选民中的高支持率帮助奥巴马在新墨西哥州以微弱优势领先于麦凯恩。That edge in the Latino vote helps Obama hold a narrow lead in New Mexico, according to the article.

拉丁美州国家的人口增长率为2.11%,仅勉强足够维持一个文化的最低比率。With inflex with Latino nations increases to 2.11. The bear minimum required to sustain the culture.

他和一个朋友在当地一家中餐馆里吃午饭时,一伙儿拉美洲男女小青年走了过来。As he and a friend lunched at a local Chinese restaurant, a tough group of Latino boys and girls approached.