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卢布已大大贬值了。The ruble has devalued greatly.

周二时,卢布距这一水平只有几戈比之遥。By Tuesday, the ruble was kopecks away from that level.

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因为卢布比其他货币更强劲。This has the ruble strengthen against other currencies.

昨日,人民币对卢布中间价为1元人民币兑4.6711卢布。Central parity of yuan against ruble closed at 4.6711 rubles yesterday.

卢布和经济一起垮台,叶利钦是消费者。The ruble and the financial markets collapsed, and Yeltsin was a spent force.

伊格纳提夫认为,卢布之所以走软是因为全球市场动荡导致资金外逃。Mr. Ignatiev blamed the weak ruble on capital flight due to global market turmoil.

男人不情愿地掏出10卢布递给侍者,希奇,侍者又找了他5卢布。The man draws out 10 ruble loathly to hand attendant, strange, attendant looked for him again 5 ruble.

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苏联的卢布被称作索姆,用哈萨克语,吉尔吉斯语和乌兹别克语写在货币的背面。The Soviet ruble was called Som in Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek which are written on the back of the notes.

哈萨克、吉尔吉斯坦和维吾尔便条的背面把苏联卢比称为“索玛”。The Soviet ruble was called "Som" in Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek which are written on the back of the notes.

中方支持俄方提出的人民币和卢布在两国银行间外汇市场挂牌交易。Hu expressed his support for Russia's proposal on inter-bank listed trading of the RMB and Ruble in the forex markets.

自去年九月以来,卢布已经下跌三分之一,莫斯科正在通过自己的外汇储备勉力支撑。The value of the ruble has fallen by a third since September, and Moscow is blowing through foreign currency reserves to prop it up.

对于经历过1998年金融危机的俄政府来说,任由卢布大幅贬值的后果是不堪设想的。For experienced a financial crisis in 1998 the russian government for allowing a substantial devaluation of the ruble haveunimaginable consequences.

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周一卢布兑美元跌至1美元兑32.42卢布,表现不及其他新兴市场货币,尽管布伦特原油价格小幅上涨。The ruble slipped to 32.42 to the dollar on Monday, performing worse than other emerging market currencies despite slight gains in Brent crude prices.

周二的口头干预至少临时起了一些作用,卢布兑美元汇率在俄罗斯Micex交易所出现上涨,从周一尾盘的1美元兑32.42卢布升至周二的31.69卢布。Tuesday's verbal intervention worked at least temporarily, and the ruble strengthened to 31.69 per dollar on the Micex exchange, compared with 32.42 late Monday.

失业率高涨,银行倒闭,卢布快速贬值以至于人们又开始在家中储存美元。The unemployment rate is soaring, banks are failing and the ruble has dropped so fast in value that Russians are again hiding their money in dollars in their apartments.

但经济突然滑坡,产品订单大量减少,他只能绝望的依靠贷款度日——贷到的是美元,因为当时卢布已经毫无价值。As the economy suddenly contracted and orders for cinder blocks plunged, he desperately borrowed large sums of money – in dollars, because the ruble had become worthless.

越来越多的国家先后放弃了银本位制,朝着金本位制方向发展。And many countries abandoned silver standard early or late and took gold as standard, Russian paper Ruble then got into trouble, for it took silver as universal equivalent.

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近几年卢布迅速升值,因为这是抗击通胀的一个关键工具.The ruble has appreciated rapidly in recent years -- despite complaints from Russian export-oriented industries -- because it was the key tool in the fight against inflation.

虽然高昂的石油价格和相对低廉的卢布是它经济复苏的重要驱动,但2000年的投资和消费需求已经成为显著的增长点。Although high oil prices and a relatively cheap ruble are important drivers of this economic rebound, since 2000 investment and consumer-driven demand have played a noticeably increasing role.

许多人预计投资者和俄罗斯之间的战斗可能会更加白热化。投资者希望推低卢布从中获利,而莫斯科可能为了阻止卢布继续下跌而被迫做出不受欢迎的选择。Many predict a gloves-off battle between investors intent on driving the currency lower to reap profits, and Moscow, which may be forced to make unpleasant choices to keep the ruble from falling.