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我们喜欢在蒙特利尔放标签。We'd love to tag in Monterey.

蒙特里海湾水族馆也致力于挽救海獭。Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter.

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蒙特雷湾水族馆是从海鱼身上赚钱的。The Monterey Bay Aquarium makes money off of ocean fish.

蒙特瑞公园市的许多现状造成了这种可能性。Monterey Park has a lot going for it to make this possible.

蒙特里海湾水族馆也致力于挽救海獭。The Monterey Bay Aquarium also works to save the sea otter.

最著名的水族馆之一位于加利福尼亚州的蒙特里。One of the most famous aquariums is in Monterey , California.

蒙特瑞西部的一个小村…那么,你的全名呢?A little village west of Monterey. . . So, what's your full name?

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加利福尼亚州的蒙特雷湾长有这种巨大的浮藻,一名潜水员正从中穿游而过。A diver swims through fronds of giant kelp in Monterey Bay, California.

蒙特里湾水族馆向游客展现了该海湾里的海洋生物。The Monterey Bay Aquarium shows visitors the underwater life in the bay.

乐肯博士用雷达监测加州蒙特雷湾海域。Dr Lekien’s radars are pointed at the waters of Monterey Bay, in California.

1951年8月28日美国轻型航空母舰蒙特利号CVL-26在墨西哥海湾进行海上训练。August 28, 1951 USS Monterey CVL-26 in the Gulf of Mexico on a training cruise.

儿童汽车安全座椅可平收,相当方便,也可以用作无靠背增高式儿童汽车安全座椅。Monterey packs flat for convenience and can also be used as a backless booster.

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一只年幼的小海獭正在加利福尼亚的蒙特雷湾欢快地嬉戏,一点儿也没在意边上的潜水员。A young sea otter frolics in Monterey Bay, California, as a diver watches nearby.

蒙特利尔是世界上少数几个有大规模翻车鱼出没的地方之一。Monterey is one of the few places in the world where Molas come in large numbers.

去年八月底的一个清晨,薄雾覆盖了加利福尼亚州的蒙特利海湾。Silver fog blanketed California's Monterey Bay on a late August morning last year.

在1989年,洛马-普雷塔地震袭击了旧金山和蒙特利尔海湾。In 1989, the Loma Prieta Earthquake shook the San Francisco and Monterey Bay regions.

在蒙特利海湾那个八月的早上,大白鲨拖着Endris撞向海洋表面。In Monterey Bay that August morning, the great white dragged Endris below the surface.

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其实还有一种芝士的口味更淡,叫蒙特雷杰克奶酪。Also there's another kind of cheese with even a milder flavor. It's called Monterey Jack.

但是现在回想一下多年前的那个蒙特里餐馆,我就不会对我自己过于严苛了。But looking back to that Monterey restaurant so many years ago, I'm not so hard on myself.

销售所得将由美国冰壶协会与蒙特利县艾滋病预防计划平分。Proceeds will be split between USA Curling and the Monterey County AIDS Prevention program.