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这个东倒西歪的粮仓该修理了。The rickety barn needs repairing.

碰到保险丝烧断了,家具榫头松了。When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety.

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我见他在我们背后把摇摇晃晃的门锁上了。I saw him padlock the rickety door behind us.

佝偻的金属桌子散布在有树的广场。Rickety metal tables dotted the treed square.

我们称之为“摆桥“实验。We call this the "Rickety Bridge" experiment.

当地人坐在倾斜的桌子或座椅上聊天和用饭。Locals eat and chat on rickety chairs and tables.

摆桥是索桥的一种。The rickety bridge is one that's kind of a rope bridge.

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卡莎布兰卡是一长而软弱的铁路线的终点。Casablanca was the terminus of a long rickety railway line.

杂技演员头上晃晃悠悠地顶着一叠磁碟。Acrobats are carrying a pile of diskettes on their heads rickety.

你跨过一座摇摇欲坠的竹桥和泥淖渡过那条小溪。You crossed the little stream over a rickety bridge of bamboo and mud.

在纳希破烂不堪的小屋里,墙上挂着一支步枪和一支鱼叉枪。A rifle and a harpoon gun were hanging from the wall of his rickety shack.

1989年,魔术队以特许扩编的身份开始建队,随后一直不停的流浪发展。The Magic started as an expansion team in 1989 and has remained rickety since.

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4个人晚上要穿过一座索桥回到他们的营地。Four people need to cross a rickety rope bridgeto get back to their camp at night.

楼上的“前楼”摆着三只破床,却只有一张方桌子。The front-room upstairs was furnished with three rickety beds and one square table.

那瓦图度阿珍珠养殖场由在礁湖中央的在几个高脚柱上摇摇晃晃的小棚屋组成,两个妇女正在从网上学习如何喂养珍珠,大部分珍珠普普通通也有几颗极好的黑珍珠买到了好价钱。Navatudua Pearl Farm consisted of a rickety hut on stilts in the middle of a lagoon.

这个地方很著名,想要爬上这不牢固的楼梯的人会来到此处。This place is very well-known and visited by people who are eager to climb the rickety stairs.

另外一个是后台支持的积弱状态,这一点在市场繁荣期被忽视了。Another is the rickety state of back-office plumbing, which was neglected as the market boomed.

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泊了这摇晃不停的推车,我意识到,我来,不止是同你对坐无语。I parked my " rickety cart", and I immediately knew I would do more than sit with you in silence.

美国漏洞百出的移民体系已经引得众人批评,而H-2B工作签更是招来各方非议。Like much of America's rickety immigration system, the H-2B programme draws scorn from all sides.

几个月前,他的母亲带着他乘坐一条破旧的小船逃离古巴前往美国。Several months earlier his mother had fled Cuba with him for the United States in a rickety boat.