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他是谨慎的化身。He is prudence personified.

噢,她们信以为真了,普鲁登斯.No, they were supposed, Prudence.

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我们跟着普律当丝一起下了楼。We followed Prudence down the stairs.

果然,有一个声音在呼唤普律当丝。And indeed, a voice was calling Prudence.

玛格丽特又关上窗户,布吕丹丝也把窗户闭上了。Marguerite shut her window, and Prudence shut hers.

但审慎不会告诉下一句话该写什么。But prudence can't tell me what sentence to write next.

于是普律当丝打开一只抽屉给我看了这些票据。And, pulling out a drawer, Prudence showed me the papers.

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谨小慎微是平庸无能者所追求的一位富有而又丑陋的老处女。Prudence is a rich, ugly, old maid courted by Incapacity.

在这个时候,循规蹈矩等于罪恶,谨言慎行就是愚蠢。These are times when virtue is vice and prudence is folly.

普律当丝又开始上当铺了。Prudence has started up her visits to the pawn-shops again.

你应远离愚昧的人,由他口中决得不到明哲。Go against a foolish man, and he knoweth not the lips of prudence.

政府在未来将会更为审慎地对待财政问题。The government will require far more fiscal prudence in the future.

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人力资产核算可采用谨慎性原则。And the last, the hu-man resources accounting and prudence principle.

在他正要踏出房门的时候,他望了望布吕丹丝。As he was stepping through the doorway, he shot a glance at Prudence.

普律当丝想去向您父亲的朋友要些钱,我反对她这样做。Prudence wanted to ask your father's friend for money, but I said no.

在普律当丝发表她的高论时,玛格丽特注意地打量着我。While Prudence was making this remark, Marguerite watched me closely.

他指出,历史的教训点明审慎理财的重要性.History, he says, provides lessons on the importance of financial prudence.

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我只希望,我祈求,他会忘记他那狰狞的谨慎,而把我杀掉!I just hope, I pray, that he may forget his diabolical prudence and kill me!

专横的爱情,一旦为你所控,我们也许只好告别谨慎---拉封丹。O tyrant love, when held by you, we may to prudence bid adieu---La Fontaine.

圣父、圣母是道教对真武神父母的尊称。The Holy Father the Virgin Mary is the true warrior Taoism parents Prudence.