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这次的骚动是这个接近二十年争议的最新延续。The brouhaha is the latest development in a nearly two-decade row.

最近关于微软有偿编辑的骚动就是冰山一角。The recent Microsoft brouhaha over paid editing is the tip of the iceberg.

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首先,通知系统和流量下跌风波中就产生了不少龃龉。First, there was the brouhaha over the notification system and the drop in traffic.

事实上,使我真正感到惊讶的是这件事所带来的影响。Actually, what I am really shocked about is the ridiculous brouhaha this has generated.

最近在一次对俄国的访问中,美国国防部长罗伯特盖茨恰好卷入了这场争议。U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates stepped right into this brouhaha on a recent visit to Russia.

我要指出的是,很多关于网络中立性的争论很大程度上都是“纸上谈兵”。What I was contrasting that with is that a lot of the brouhaha with net neutrality is fairly theoretical.

小报上有很多关于年轻的女演员和比她大很多的娱乐圈的权威人士的闪电结婚的议论。There was much brouhaha in the tabloids over the young actress's sudden marriage to the much older entertainment mogul.

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本周,只要你看过任何的技术类出版物,就一定知道Facebook改进其用户条款所引起的骚动。If you read any tech publication this week, you couldn't have helped but encounter the brouhaha over Facebook's revised Terms of Use.

鉴于奥林巴斯最新的风波,改善具体问题的零星举措看来对整体治理环境影响微乎其微。Given the latest brouhaha at Olympus, piecemeal gestures at improving specific issues seem to be having little impact on the overall governance climate.

非常低水平的,没有超过饮用水的标准,但是他们有一个骚动,导致他们几乎要关闭这个实验室,由于,公众抗议要求它关闭掉。Very low level that did not exceed the drinking water standard but they had such a brouhaha that they almost shut this lab down because of the public outcry demanding that it be shut down.

据佐利克先生表示,印度医疗项目的欺诈案亦引发了巨大的骚动,于2008年结束的调查揭露了“其腐败和欺诈程度令人无法容忍。”There is also a huge brouhaha about fraud in health projects in India, where investigations that ended in 2008 revealed “unacceptable indicators of fraud and corruption”, according to Mr Zoellick.