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是的,在某些情况下。Yes, in some cases.

这是你们的箱子吗?Are there yous cases?

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这是个别情况。These are isolated cases.

凡此种种,不一而足。Similar cases are numerous.

所有的案例都跟这个不同。All cases are not like this.

这样的话,就送两箱吧。Then ,send two cases please.

他买了两箱啤酒。A. He buys two cases of beer.

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它包含三十个用例。It contains thirty use cases.

收集分析125例NEC的临床资料。We analyzed 125 cases of NEC.

所有用例都应该有名称。All use cases should be named.

加拿大已经确认了165名病例。Canada has reported 165 cases.

这种事例,我也曾经遇到数例。I have met several such cases.

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回想下之前的两个例子。So, let's go to our two cases.

如何能避免刑事错案?How to avoid miscarriage cases?

它们承认一个边界线案例。They admit a border line cases.

案例三何谈成绩?。What about three cases results?

把我给你们的例句都记下来。Take dhave the CASEs I give you.

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本案属于那种极少数案例之一。This is one of those rare cases.

退化的情形是怎样的?What about the degenerate cases?

编写使用案例叙述,过于简洁。Write the use cases too tersely.