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你的儿子阿茂?Your son Chico?

他对音乐的就像对英语一样。Chico did to music what he did to the English language.

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Chico说“好的,我上个学生有一副假牙。”" Chico then says "Well, my last student had a false set of teeth.

Chico也因为出演被叫做荒诞剧的剧目而出名。Chico also was known for performing what was called the comedy of the absurd.

通过兽医治疗和服用抗抑郁药,“奇科”终于重新找回了快乐。After seeing a vet and taking antidepressant drugs, Chico is a lovely bird again.

奇哥的秘密-创造显露的一个难忘的木偶惯例真正的秘密。Chico 's Secrets – The real secrets of creating a memorable puppet routine revealed.

这里是我们带狗狗经常玩的地方,天气冷了,人也少了很多。Here we are always playing with Chico , people become less and less for the cold weather.

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他给我讲了在索科奇科一个咖啡馆的故事。那是丹吉尔市的贼窝。He told me the story in a cafe in the Socco Chico , which is the " thieves' kitchen" of Tangier.

我的狗是圣何塞出生和长大的,这里气候比较冷,它好像一直觉得不够暖和。My dog Chico was born and raised in San Jose and can never get warm enough in this colder climate.

Chico也开些关于词汇表达的玩笑,那些词语音同意异。Chico also made funny jokes about words and expressions that sound alike but have different meanings.

江杰夫博士是美国加州州立大学奇科分校节事及旅游管理副教授。Dr. Jeff Jiang is an Associate Professor of Special Event and Tourism Management at California State University, Chico.

录像已通过当地电视台公布于众。消息在当地报纸刊登后,其他失狗者纷纷冲进医院找寻自己的狗,其中一位找到他的狗奇科。After local newspapers published the story, other people missing dogs rushed to the hospital's door and one owner found her dog Chico.

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佛山市南海区智科电子有限公司成立于2000年,地处数字信息产业化的城市——广东佛山。Established in 2000, Foshan Nanhai Chico Electronic Co. , Ltd. is located in the digital and informational city — Foshan city, Guangdong Province.

一只白化乌龟出生于阿布法里生物保护区,现在由巴西亚马逊塔保亚生物多样性保护区奇科门德斯研究所展出。An albino turtle born at the Biological Reserve of Abufari, and presented by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation in Tapaua, Amazonia, Brazil

佛山市南海区智科电子有限公司,目前拥有雄厚的技术研发与产品制造能力,并致力于智能变频、网络控制等新技术的研发。At present, Nanhai Chico Electronic CO. , LTD have stronger R&D and manufacture capability, which devoted to new technology development such as intelligent frequency conversion and network control.

2005年,美国加利福尼亚大学的学生开联谊会。会上,一位年仅21岁的学生因为被同学大量灌水而死亡。In 2005 a fraternity hazing at California State University, Chico , left a 21-year-old man dead after he was forced to drink excessive amounts of water between rounds of push-ups in a cold basement.