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你们能指挥这个吗Can you conduct this?

他的作为是无可非议的。His conduct was blameless.

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他的举动令人厌恶。His conduct was disgusting.

进行在岗培训。Conduct the on-job training.

让我作一次配导游的游泳吧。Let 's go on a conduct tour.

他们经营煤碳生意。They conduct a coal business.

它在行动中得到展示。It exhibits itself in conduct.

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她是个品行端正的女孩。She is a girl of good conduct.

她的行为无可非议。Her conduct is above criticism.

他的行为近于疯狂。His conduct borders on madness.

他的行为使她大为恼火。His conduct vexed her very much.

大多数金属能导电。Most metals conduct electricity.

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请解释你的行为。Please account for your conduct.

她被他的行为冒犯了。She was affronted at his conduct.

他们试图引水上山。They try to conduct water uphill.

我数四下,大家坐直I'll conduct in four, so sit back.

她对他的行为感到不快。She was displeased by his conduct.

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所有的金属都能导电。All metals can conduct electricity.

你能向我证明你的行为是正确的吗?Can you justify your conduct to me?

他试图为他的行为辩护。He attempts to justify his conduct.