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但北部各州反对为得克萨斯州建州。But northern states opposed statehood for Texas.

无论是克莱还是范布伦都反对给予德克萨斯州地位。Both Clay and Van Buren opposed statehood for Texas.

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别称“钻石州”或“第一州”的美国特拉华建州。Delaware, the Diamond or First State, achieved statehood.

战后,夏威夷三分之二人赞同获得美国州的地位。After the war, two-thirds of the people of Hawaii supported statehood.

康莉依旧忙碌,平日与闹闹过着没有建国的日子。Comrade still busy, usually with the surface live a day without statehood.

阿巴斯说,讲话之后他将向安理会提出巴勒斯坦建国的请求。Abbas says he will present the request for statehood to the Security Council.

将在2009年得到州的地位,他的州花是木兰花。Chuck norris will attain statehood in2009. his state flower will be the magnolia.

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他们组织了州委员会来实现那个目标。They formed a Statehood Committee in nineteen forty-nine to work toward that goal.

北京各房地产开发公司的老总、各大知名媒体云集建国饭店宴会厅。Beijing, the real estate development companies mister, major-media hotel ballroom where statehood.

李璟时,元宗以取闽功,拜抚州观察使、建州留后。Li Jing, the yuan were to take power in Fujian, Fuzhou observed to worship, to stay after statehood.

阿拉斯加在1959年1月3日成为美国的一州,比夏威夷早了七个月。Alaska antedates Hawaii as a state, having gained statehood on January 3, 1959, seven months before Hawaii.

杰克逊认为如果给予德克萨斯合众国州的地位,那么将加深南北各州之间的矛盾。Jackson felt that to give statehood to Texas would deepen the split between the northern and southern states.

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巴勒斯坦应该和以色列一样获得国家地位。This is barmy. The argument that the Palestinians must resume negotiations before getting statehood is specious.

其中包括一项公投的提案将询问投票公民是否同意建州或独立。Among them is a proposal to hold a referendum that would ask voters whether they prefer statehood or independence.

并力图通过对“济南市的工商业社会主义改造研究”这一斑,来略窥“建国初期的工商业社会主义改造”之全貌。And it's a shortcut to research the "socialist transformation of capitalist industry and commerce in early statehood".

以色列民众,比如耶路撒冷居民海姆·本·阿米对于阿巴斯提交联合国会员国申请心情复杂,他既感到有希望,又感到忧虑。Israelis, such as Jerusalem resident Haim Ben-Ami, reacted to Abbas's statehood proposal with a mix of hope and concern.

同时,最好希望美国不要许可波多黎各或者伊拉克内18个省成为美国联邦成员州。In the meantime, it's best to hope the United States doesn't grant statehood to Puerto Rico and all 18 governorates of Iraq.

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然而,有些代表知道,除非堪萨斯人们投票表决了这部州宪法,否则国会不会批准堪萨斯的州地位。Some delegates, however, knew that Congress would not approve statehood for Kansas unless the people voted on the constitution.

波尔克曾经是田纳西州的州长和众议院议长,他支持给予德克萨斯的州地位。Polk was at one time governor of Tennessee and Speaker of the House of Representatives. He was a supporter of statehood for Texas.

阿巴斯已经从纽约回到约旦河西岸,他对欣喜若狂的群众说,“巴勒斯坦的春天”在寻求建国下展开了。Returning to the West Bank from New York, Abbas told jubilant crowds that a “Palestinian Spring” has begun with the bid for statehood.