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在那儿,在昏暗的光线里。There, in the somber light.

我阴郁的心总在追寻着你My somber heart seeks you always

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事实上,他的声音听起来又沮丧又后悔。In fact, he sounded somber and contrite.

昨夜我郁悒无法入眠。I was so somber last night that couldn’t sleep.

他穿着镶有白鼬皮的暗紫色长袍。His robes were a somber purple, trimmed with ermine.

这是一部有趣的电影,不过结局有点沉闷。It was a fun movie, but the ending was rather somber.

见他表情阴沉,我猜不出发生了什么事。By his somber expression I didn’t know what to expect.

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大伙儿在街上碰头时,四周的房子都已黯淡下来。When we met in the street the houses had grown somber.

他很不快乐,对未来感到前途渺茫。He was sad, and his thought about future was very somber.

在背后阴损别人是一件非常不道德的事。It is somber there, they say there are evil monsters there.

在美国汽车工业之都底特律,气氛一片萧瑟。In Detroit, the U.S. automotive capital, the mood is somber.

退休教师坐在教堂长椅上,倾听着那庄重的管风琴音乐。The retired teachers sat on their pews to somber organ music.

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那儿貌似没有阳光,整天黑蒙蒙的,一种阴森恐怖的气氛。There seems to be no sunshine all day long, dark, a somber mood.

这里是停柩所,是已运到的棺木,和无数阴沉的脸面。With the waiting depot, the arriving coffin, and the somber faces.

她进来时,还未完全酒醒的我很不舒服,而她呢,看上去则一脸的阴郁和伤感。When she arrived I was badly hungover and she looked somber and sad.

理想中的艺妓无忧无虑,理想中的妻子会为责任而忧郁。The ideal geisha seemed carefree, the ideal wife somber and responsible.

她一定觉得这种散步是一件忧伤的事情——这是我还是个孩子的时候无法体会到的。She felt that this was a very somber event – something I had no grasp of as a child.

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随之上传了一张自己坐在牙医椅上哭丧着脸的照片。Yikes, " she wrote, along with a rather somber pic of herself in the dentist's chair."

每年的12月26日都是亚奇和整个印度尼西亚沉痛的纪念日。Every year, Dec. 26 remains a somber day of remembrance in Aceh and throughout Indonesia.

他瞪大眼自嘲道,一会儿,他的表情变得严肃起来。He widened his eyes in self-ridicule, then, the next moment, his expression became somber.