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但是这最多像是一个杂耍。But this is mostly a sideshow.

今年或许我再没有把玩叶子的余兴。This year I may never play leaves the sideshow.

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他们正开始上演一场名为‘怪异人物’的杂耍戏。They were starting a sideshow called The Curious Citizens.

如果我们不能解决这个麻烦,白水事件马上会显得好似芝麻绿豆大的小事一般。If we didn’t, Whitewater would soon look like the sideshow it was.

对于他的球队没有被托雷斯的首秀所分心,达格利什甚为欢喜。Dalglish was delighted his side did not get distracted by the Torres sideshow.

在这个时候,危机开始地希腊只不过是一出令人不快的穿插节目。Well, at this point, Greece, where the crisis began, is no more than a grim sideshow.

使用丰富的马戏元素,结合维多利亚风格制作的互动游戏电子贺卡。An Interactive game e-card with circus, sideshow elements and Victorian motion typography.

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就像霍华德一样兴奋,他的合同状况会渐渐转变为一场肥皂剧。As exciting as Dwight Howard is, his contract status could turn into a Melo-like sideshow.

随着泰森的坠落,拳击运动完成了从人们关注的中心到边缘的转变。With Tyson’s fall, boxing completed its transformation from central preoccupation to sideshow.

它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island 's Dreamland sideshow.

在许多公司股东会只是浪费时间,因为大多流于形式。At many companies, the annual meeting is a waste of time because exhibitionists turn it into a sideshow.

这是一个毫不相关的插曲,目的在于转移陪审团的注意力,抹黑杰克逊。"This is an irrelevant sideshow designed to take issues away from the jury and smear Jackson, " Walgren said.

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最终,在一个全国巡游的马戏团里,大钢管打烂了他的脑袋,结束了他的生命He ended up on a circus sideshow traveling through the country with the big steel pipe that went through his head.

加里波利只是一个“用处不大却代价惨重的穿插表演”,而“在显而易见的事实前的疯狂偏执”使情况变得更糟。Gallipoli was merely "a futile and costly sideshow", exacerbated by "lunatic persistence in the face of the obvious".

扬科维奇仍然在第二盘开始几局存有优势,但是杂耍似的的网球不等同于大满贯上的成功。Jankovic still had the edge in the early games of the second set, but sideshow tennis doesn't equate to grand slam success.

而实际上,评估和评级过程只是为了让管理人员有借口进行内部操纵,并避免将来的纠纷。In practice, the review and ranking process is a sideshow to give executives cover for internal maneuvering and future lawsuits.

然而这一结果却似乎变成了接下来两天发生在刚果首都中心地带的枪战的附属事件。The results, however, became something of a sideshow as running gun battles took over the heart of Congo's capital for the following two days.

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获救几个月内,爱丽莎认识并和另一位船长结婚,搬到英国,接着成为伦敦海德公园引人注目的事件。Within months of her rescue, Eliza met and married another sea captain, moved to England, and went on to become a sideshow attraction in London's Hyde Park.

但是还是必须承认这个丢盘子事件其实只是一个噱头或者说次要问题,相比较于那些非法的集团性质的犯罪行为并不应该引起注意。I'll be the first to admit that the pie-throwing incident is a distraction and a sideshow from a serious investigation into illegal acts and corporate misdeeds.

石油企业在全球油田的残留天然气过去多数往往烧掉处理,时常视之为它们所觊觎的"黑金"之外的低价值陪衬产品.Oil companies used to flare off much of the gas they found lingering in oil fields around the world, often seeing it as a low-value sideshow to the black gold they craved.