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善是善良之义。Shang is Kindness.

“喜上眉梢”是个成语。"Xi shang meishao" is an idiom.

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患者一般状况尚好。Patient general condition Shang Hao.

图为商代蛙形刻刀。Frog-shaped carving knife, Shang Dynasty.

尚青的麦穗里边是有麦仁了的。Shang Qing wheat wheat kernel inside is the.

商周和汉时都有彩绘的纺织品。Shang and Zhou and Han have painted textiles.

并封之富庶之地商鞅。And the closure of the rich land of Shang Yang.

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什麽是向上社会福利基金会?What is Hsiang Shang Social Welfare Foundation?

这羑里城在商朝的时候的确是一座监狱。Youli was a jail as early as the Shang Dynasty.

对应商末以来大量旱灾、尘暴记载。There were much riot in the end of Shang dynasty.

殷墟啊就是指商朝都城的遗址。It means the ruins of the Shang Dynasty's capital.

“三公”的称谓始于商代。The title of Sangong initiated from Shang Dynasty.

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偶让嫩连汤都喝不了!!!!!Let occasionally tender do not drink even Shang Dou!

商代早期的思想是根据旋回。Early Shang Dynasty thought was based upon cyclicity.

李商隐的儿子衮师名字来由?。Li shang yin's son dagon simulation at name division?

在商朝啊贝壳可值钱了。Sea shells were valuable things in the Shang Dynasty.

儿啊。你戴上博士帽,也就身价百倍了。Era. Dr. Dai Shang your hat, a hundred times worth it.

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商王的祭祀活动是频繁的。Sacrifices performed by the Shang kings were frequent.

商丘是商族的起源和聚居地。Shangqiu is the original settlement of the Shang Tribe.

那一定是商朝的马路,对不对?That must have been a road of the Shang Dynasty, right?