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它是多么逗人喜爱的小狗啊!He is a cute businessman.

舒先生是一名商人。Mr. Shu is a businessman.

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我父亲是小业主。He is a small businessman.

他是个精明的商人。He is a prudent businessman.

他是什么样的商人?What kind of businessman is he?

我是个实业家我热爱我的工作!I am a businessman and I love it!

我将成为一个非凡的商人。I would be a singular businessman.

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朱利叶斯Rosenwald是一个商人。Julius Rosenwald was a businessman.

他是名商人。That is to say, he's a businessman.

那个商人最近红光满面。That businessman is in red recently.

我上了一个卑鄙商人的当。I was set down by a snide businessman.

这个商人是个狡猾的老狐狸。This businessman is a cunning old fox.

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那个商人最近红光满面。The businessman is in the red recently.

那个商人红光满面。That businessman is in the red recently.

现在,该商人以诈骗罪被起诉。The businessman now faces charges of fraud.

不过,小埃利森的父亲可是个精明的商人。But Ellison’s father is a smart businessman.

法官判定那个生意人诈欺。The judge convicted the businessman of fraud.

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一个成功的推销员必须要有闯劲。A successful businessman has to be aggressive.

他具有成功商人所需的韧劲。He has the tenacity of a successful businessman.

网络运营商约翰•韦恩创创建FreeRice.Internet businessman John Breen created FreeRice.