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是哪个外星人种族在通知联系人是无关紧要的。It is irrelevant what alien group informed a contactee.

探究一下你成为了联系人的可能性吧。Explore the possibility that you have become a contactee.

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联系人通常会报道梦到了有关洪水或需要搬离城市的景象。Contactee often report visions or dreams about floods or the need to move out of cities.

当被接触者问到工艺如何运作,其中一把钥匙是用作与宇宙接触的。One of the keys came out of an extraterrestrial contact when the contactee asked how the craft operated.

许多关于宗教仪式的记载都和现今的不明飞行物以及绑架传说有着惊人的相似。Many of the accounts of ritualistic initiation bare striking parallels to modern day UFO contactee and abduction lore.

一般地说,当联系人采取了行动,例如,离开了容易遭受洪水淹没的地区,这种梦和担忧也就停止了。Commonly, when the contactee takes action, for instance moving away from a flood prone area, these dreams or worries stop.

在过去已经有关于真实接触的例外,但这些是被接触者许可的已经预先准备好的。In the past there have been exceptions regarding actual contact, but these have been pre-arranged with the permission of the contactee.

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这意味着一个接触者必须要经历时间缺失,而另一个要向前跳跃某段时间来进行会议然后再返回。This means that one contactee must experience missing time, but another may be jumped forward in time for a conference and then returned.

当然,他们是无法控制的,因为和外星人的接触是掌握在每个单独的接触者手里的,或者希望成为联系人的人类手中的。Of course, they do not have control, as control of contact is in the hands of each individual contactee or human who wishes to become a contactee.

如果周围有人的话,他们将会被“凝固”,意识不到失踪者的存在。实际上大多数接触都被安排在被接触者独自一人时进行。If other humans are in the vicinity, they are frozen so that they are unaware of the missing contactee, though most often contact is arranged at a time when the contactee is alone.

因此,在与外星人接触过程中,很可能人类联系人要遇到从油腻腻的蟾蜍到章鱼的一切外星生物。他们对此作出的反应会使双方都希望的交流沟通效果降低。Thus, during contact, it is highly likely that a contactee will encounter anything from a greasy toad to an octopus, and their reaction detracts from the communication that both desire.