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当丹中尉对那辆出租车说“我在这儿行走呢!”When Lt. Dan says "I'm walking here! ""

湖州宏侨橡胶机械有限公司。Huzhou hongqiao rubber machinery co. lt.

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尼克森少尉认为这是一罐桃子。Lt. Nixon thinks this is a can of peaches.

我在收音机上听到布莱德.韦恩上尉在叫喊。I heard Lt. Brad Winn on the radio, shouting.

三副,我们准备当地时间1300时开航。Third Officer, we are about to sail at 1300 LT.

但是其他事情同时也在发生。But something else happened as well. Remember Lt.

轮机长,请在当地时间1200时前备车。Chief Engineer, please standby engine by 1200 LT.

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珍妮,我不知道是妈妈说地对还是丹中尉说地对。Jenny, I don't know if Momma was right or if it's Lt.

这是一桩离奇的案子。"This is a weird one. Strange, " Richfield police Lt.

亨特中校检查出血状况,开始给他输血。Lt Col Hunter checks for haemorrhages and gives blood.

指挥官马耶勒在刚果东部的瓦利卡尔被捕。Lt Col Mayele was arrested in Walikale in eastern Congo.

成功是一个关系词,它会给你带来很多不相关的亲戚。Success is a relative term. lt brings so many relatives.

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外婆就让我早早睡下,好让明天能有个好精神。Grandma lt marly, so that tomorrow can hav a good spirit.

教育训练副总会长施惠芳宣读总会使命。Reading of the District Mission by Lt GET Grace Shih, DTM.

是的,这是景德镇制造的,景德镇是著名的瓷器出产地。Yes. lt is made in jingdezhen, a place famous for porcelain.

中温榴辉岩与低温榴辉岩具有不同的变质作用特征。MT eclogites are different from LT eclogites in metamorphism.

好,那么,当你完成了就来向我或者马姆利少尉报告。Ok, then. Report back to me or to Lt. Mumphreys when you have.

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请问这句话确切意思是什么,25升水里含有次氯酸钠吗?Put into the tank lt. 25 of NaClO with lt. 25 of treated water.

中尉科雷-哈姆提醒上尉,他们应该要小心一点。Lt. Clay Hammer reminded the captain that they should be careful.

而与以往不同的是,今年“特拉维斯小组”将会向鲁尼中尉致敬。This year, however, "Team Travis" will be dedicated to Lt. Looney.