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圣母院研究者杰西卡.D.裴恩如是说Notre Dame researcher Jessica D. Payne explains

美联社研究员赵良于北京撰稿。AP researcher Zhao Liang in Beijing contributed.

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是美国犹他州大学的研究人员。M. C. is a researcher at the University of Utah.

杂志的复件来自于一位私人研究者。The copy was obtained from a private researcher.

美国研究员布莱克。包登博士进行一项研究。American researcher Dr. Blake Bowden conducted one study.

我原本渴望成为安布雷拉公司的主要研究员。I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella Inc.

马里奥?卡佩基是美国犹他州的科学家。Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah.

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一位中科院的研究员开办了一所私人研究发展机构。Chunxian, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

北京研究院张杰对这篇文章卓有贡献。Researcher Zhang Jie in Beijing contributed to this report.

美联社研究员陈季,于上海。Associated Press researcher Ji Chen in Shanghai contributed.

他不过是一名滥竽充数的美国戏剧研究者。He is a poor apology for a researcher of the American drama.

研究人员发现在温室大棚杂草出长得更快些。The researcher found that weeds grow faster in a hoop house.

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这并没有让斯坦福大学研究人员感到气馁。This did not let Stanford college researcher feel crestfallen.

在莫顿的实验室时里,研究者们只切断鼠脚里的一条小神经。In Morton's lab, the researcher cuts a small nerve in the foot.

在莫顿的实验室里研究人员只在兔子脚上切下一小段神经。In Morton's lab. the researcher cuts u small nerve in the foot.

学术团队最关键的基本构成要素是“人”。The most important elements of the academic-team is researcher.

自毕业开始至今,一直从事幼儿英语教育研究。After graduating, I 'm a researcher on children English training.

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中投顾问轻工业研究员朱庆骅说。Light industry researcher Zhu Qinghua investment consultants said.

德维拉科恩是皮尤研究中心的研究员和作家。D'Vera Cohn is a researcher and writer for the Pew Research Center.

假如你对配偶不贞,会坦白告诉研究人员吗?If you cheated on your spouse, would you admit it to a researcher ?